
The science of physics is based on theories and models as well as experiments: the former structure relations and simplify reality to a degree such that predictions on physical phenomena can be derived by means of math- ematics. The latter allow verification or falsification of these predictions. Computer sciences allow a new access to this relationship, especially well-suited for education: New Technologies provide simulations for the model, virtual instruments for running and evaluating real experiments and mathematical toolkits to solve equations derived from the theory analytically and to compare the outcome of all three methods. We will demonstrate this approach on several examples: Ferromagnetism, thermodynamics and the Harmonic Oszillator. We furthermore give a brief example on an online-tutoring system that makes our setup attractive for self-study outside the university campus.

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    • @rainerreichel
    • @thomasrichter
    • @dblp
    @rainerreichel's tags highlighted