
Data for: Relying on Dynamically Morphing Blades to Increase the Efficiency of a Cycloidal Rotor

, and . Dataset, (2021)Related to: Huang, D. and Gagnon, L. « Relying on Dynamically Morphing Blades to Increase the Efficiency of a Cycloidal Rotor », IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1226 012014, 2022. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1226/1/012014.
DOI: 10.18419/darus-2191


OpenFOAM simulation case files and results accompanying the article having the same title are included. The pressure, velocity and vorticity fields could be visualized by using Paraview. The simulation of the last rotor revolution of each case can be reproduced by running the restartLastCycle.sh script. The supplementary cases which are not documented in the cited paper are described in the Bachelor Thesis which is temporarily available here: http://louisgagnon.com/articleArchive/Huang2021_MorphingCyclorotorBlades.pdf

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