%0 Generic
%1 keller2002method
%A Keller, Christoph
%A Feser, Kurt
%D 2002
%K Emission curve domain fourier function measurement pulse response time transform window
%T A New Method of Emission Measurement
%U https://www.ieh.uni-stuttgart.de/dokumente/publikationen/2002_ieee_minneapolis_keller.pdf
added-at = {2020-08-26T14:45:20.000+0200},
author = {Keller, Christoph and Feser, Kurt},
biburl = {https://puma.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/bibtex/29bca9550e9815b64fe9be9b1c35f4db9/annettegugel},
eventtitle = {IEEE 2002},
interhash = {afa255556f8a4b81329fba6c5a325304},
intrahash = {9bca9550e9815b64fe9be9b1c35f4db9},
keywords = {Emission curve domain fourier function measurement pulse response time transform window},
timestamp = {2020-08-26T12:45:20.000+0200},
title = {A New Method of Emission Measurement},
url = {https://www.ieh.uni-stuttgart.de/dokumente/publikationen/2002_ieee_minneapolis_keller.pdf},
venue = {Minneapolis, USA},
year = 2002