S. Scholtens, P. Anbeek, J. Böhmer, M. Brullemans-Spansier, M. van der Geest, M. Jetten, C. Staiger, I. Slouwerhof, and C. van Gelder. Spreadsheet, (October 2019)The three spreadsheets are provided in the following file formats: Microsoft Excel XLSX (original), OpenDocument Spreadsheet ODS (export), and Comma Delimited CSV utf-8 (export). This project is funded by the ZonMw Personalised Medicine Programme under Dossier number: 80-84600-98-3007. The project period is Aug 2018 - July 2019. Additional funding will be provided by UMCG, UMCU, Radboud University Nijmegen, Radboudumc and DTL/ELIXIR-Netherlands..
C. Staiger, M. Jetten, J. Böhmer, I. Slouwerhof, M. van der Geest, C. van Gelder, and S. Scholtens. Picture, (June 2019)This figure is part of a project funded by the ZonMw Personalised Medicine Programme under Dossier number: 80-84600-98-3007. The project period is Aug 2018 - July 2019. Additional funding will be provided by UMCG, UMCU, Radboud University Nijmegen, Radboudumc and DTL/ELIXIR-Netherlands..