
Alireza Sahami, Yomna Abdelrahman, Niels Henze, Stefan Schneegaß, Mohammadreza Khalilbeigi, and Albrecht Schmidt. Exploiting Thermal Reflection for Interactive Systems. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 2014. [PUMA: vis-sks vis vis(us) vis-mci simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:sahamiaa visus:abdelrya visus:schneesn visus:schmidat visus:henzens tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Marcel Hlawatsch, Michael Burch, and Daniel Weiskopf. Visual Adjacency Lists for Dynamic Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (20)112014. [PUMA: simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-2014 vis(us) visus visus:hlawatml visus:burchml visus:weiskopf tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Marco Ament, Filip Sadlo, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Daniel Weiskopf. Low-Pass Filtered Volumetric Shadows. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014. [PUMA: volume-visualisation scientific-visualisation visualisation vis-2014 vis-vc vis vis(us) vis-ertl simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus visus:amentmo visus:dachsbcn visus:weiskopf visus:sadlo tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Stefan Schneegaß, Frank Steimle, Andreas Bulling, Florian Alt, and Albrecht Schmidt. SmudgeSafe: Geometric Image Transformations for Smudge-resistant User Authentication. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014), (2014)ACM, 2014. [PUMA: vis-mci vis vis(us) simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:bullinas visus:schneesn visus:schmidat visus:altfn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Grzegorz Karol Karch, Filip Sadlo, Daniel Weiskopf, and Thomas Ertl. Streamline-Based Concepts for Space-Time Analysis of 2D Time-Dependent Flow. Proceedings of International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV16), (2014)2014. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-gis vis visus nonscalar-field-vis vis-ertl sfbtrr75 sfb dfg simtech exzellenzcluster visus:ertl visus:weiskopf visus:sadlo visus:karchgz tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Filip Sadlo, and Carsten Dachsbacher. Auto-Tilt Photography. Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2011. [PUMA: vis(us) visus vis-vc vis vis-ertl simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:sadlo visus:dachsbcn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Filip Sadlo, Alessandro Rigazzi, and Ronald Peikert. Time-Dependent Visualization of Lagrangian Coherent Structures by Grid Advection. Topology-Based Methods in Visualization III (Proceedings of TopoInVis 2009), 2011. [PUMA: simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-ertl vis vis(us) nonscalar-field-vis visus visus:sadlo tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Markus Üffinger, Filip Sadlo, and Thomas Ertl. A Time-Dependent Vector Field Topology Based on Streak Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (19)32013. [PUMA: vis(us) visus vis-gis vis nonscalar-field-vis vis-ertl sfbtrr75 sfb dfg simtech exzellenzcluster visus:sadlo visus:ertl visus:ueffinms tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Filip Sadlo. Lyapunov Time for 2D Lagrangian Visualization. In Springer (Eds.), Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data, 2014. [PUMA: simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-ertl vis vis(us) nonscalar-field-vis visus visus:sadlo tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Thomas Bolemann, Markus Üffinger, Filip Sadlo, Thomas Ertl, and Claus-Dieter Munz. Direct Visualization of Piecewise Polynomial Data. Springer, 2014. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-gis vis visus nonscalar-field-vis volume-visualisation scientific-visualisation visualisation vis-ertl simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:sadlo visus:ertl visus:ueffinms tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Elba del Carmen Valderrama Bahamóndez, Bastian Pfleging, Niels Henze, and Albrecht Schmidt. A Long-Term Field Study on the Adoption of Smartphones by Children in Panama. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2014), ACM, 2014. [PUMA: simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci vis vis(us) vis-sks visus:pflegibn visus:valderea visus:schmidat visus:henzens tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Nora Broy, Florian Alt, Stefan Schneegaß, and Bastian Pfleging. 3D Displays in Cars: Exploring the User Performance for a Stereoscopic Instrument Cluster. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI '14), ACM, 2014. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:schneesn visus:altfn visus:pflegibn visus:broyna tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Bastian Pfleging, Stefan Schneegaß, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, and Manfred Tscheligi. Experience Maps: Experience-Enhanced Routes for Car Navigation. Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI '14), ACM, 2014. [PUMA: simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci vis vis(us) visus:pflegibn visus:schneesn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Bastian Pfleging, Stefan Schneegaß, Dagmar Kern, and Albrecht Schmidt. Vom Transportmittel zum rollenden Computer – Interaktion im Auto. Informatik-Spektrum, (37)5Springer, 2014. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:schneesn visus:schmidat visus:pflegibn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Paweł W. Woźniak, Lars Lischke, Benjamin Schmidt, Shengdong Zhao, and Morten Fjeld. Thaddeus: A Dual Device Interaction Space for Exploring Information Visualisation. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of NordiCHI '14, 2014. [PUMA: vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci vis visus:lischkls visus:wozniapl tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Bastian Pfleging, and Albrecht Schmidt. (Non-) Driving-Related Activities in the Car: Defining Driver Activities for Manual and Automated Driving. Workshop on Experiencing Autonomous Vehicles: Crossing the Boundaries between a Drive and a Ride at CHI’15, 2015. [PUMA: vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci vis visus:pflegibn visus:schmidat tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Sven Mayer, Katrin Wolf, Stefan Schneegaß, and Niels Henze. Modeling Distant Pointing for Compensating Systematic Displacements. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 2015. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks simtech2 exc2075 visus:wolfkn visus:schneesn visus:henzens visus:mayersn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Bastian Pfleging, Albrecht Schmidt, Niels Henze, Dominique Rau, and Bastian Reitschuster. Influence of Subliminal Cueing on Visual Search Tasks. CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 2013. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-sks vis vis-mci simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:raude visus:pflegibn visus:henzens visus:schmidat tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Bastian Pfleging, Ignacio Alvarez, Jennifer Healey, and Nora Broy. AutoNUI: 3rd Workshop on Automotive Natural User Interfaces. Adjunct Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 2013. [PUMA: vis-mci vis vis(us) simtech1 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:broyna visus:pflegibn tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Bastian Pfleging, Albrecht Schmidt, and Niels Henze. Supporting Notifications and User Guidance through Subtle Cues. Workshop on Peripheral Interaction: Shaping the Research and Design Space at CHI'14, 2014. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-sks vis simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci visus:pflegibn visus:schmidat visus:henzens tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Lars Lischke, Sven Mayer, Katrin Wolf, Alireza Sahami, and Niels Henze. Subjective and Objective Effects of Tablet’s Pixel Density. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2015)ACM, 2015. [PUMA: vis-mci vis vis(us) simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks simtech2 exc2075 visus:mayersn visus:henzens visus:wolfkn visus:lischkls visus:sahamiaa tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Miriam Greis, Niels Henze, and Albrecht Schmidt. Predicting the Future: Towards Personal Simulation. In ACM (Eds.), Workshop on 'Beyond Personal Informatics - Designing for Experiences with Data' on CHI'15, 2015. [PUMA: vis-sks vis vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci visus:schmidat visus:henzens visus:greismm tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Miriam Greis, Thorsten Ohler, Niels Henze, and Albrecht Schmidt. Investigating Representation Alternatives for Communicating Uncertainty to Non-Experts. Interact 2015, Springer, 2015. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks visus:greismm visus:henzens visus:schmidat tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Hansjörg Schmauder, Michael Burch, and Daniel Weiskopf. Visualizing Dynamic Weighted Digraphs with Partial Links. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, 2015. [PUMA: visus vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:burchml visus:weiskopf visus:schmauhg tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Marcel Hlawatsch, Michael Burch, Fabian Beck, Juliana Freire, Claudio Silva, and Daniel Weiskopf. Visualizing the Evolution of Module Workflows. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV), 2015. [PUMA: visus vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:hlawatml visus:beckfn visus:weiskopf visus:burchml visus:freireja visus:silvaco tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Miriam Greis. Tools and Methods for Supporting the Development of Ubiquitous End-User Simulations. Interact 2015, Doctoral Consortium, 2015. [PUMA: vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci vis visus:greismm tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Katrin Wolf, Stefan Schneegaß, Niels Henze, Dominik Weber, Valentin Schwind, Pascal Knierim, Sven Mayer, Tilman Dingler, Yomna Abdelrahman, Thomas Kubitza, Markus Funk, Anja Mebus, and Albrecht Schmidt. TUIs in the Large: Using Paper Tangibles with Mobile Devices. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (33)ACM, 2015. [PUMA: vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks vis vis-mci visus:schwinvn visus:kubitzts visus:mebusaa visus:mayersn visus:henzens visus:schmidat visus:knieripl visus:funkms visus:dingletn visus:schneesn visus:wolfkn visus:weberdk visus:abdelrya tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Stefan Schneegaß, Sven Mayer, Thomas Olsson, and Kristof Van Laerhoven. From Mobile to Wearable: Using Wearable Devices to Enrich Mobile Interaction. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct, AVN, 2015. [PUMA: vis-mci vis vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg simpleskin vis-sks visus:schneesn visus:mayersn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Marcel Hlawatsch. Visualization for Integrated Simulation Systems. 2015. [PUMA: simtech exzellenzcluster dfg simtech1 simtech2 exc2075 vis(us) visus visus:hlawatml tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Moritz Ertl, Bernhard Weigand, Grzegorz Karol Karch, Filip Sadlo, and Thomas Ertl. Investigation and Visual Analysis of Direct Simulations of Quasi-Steady Primary Break-up of Shear Thinning Liquids. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow: ICMF 2016, 2016. [PUMA: sfbtrr75 sfb dfg vis-ertl vis vis(us) simtech exzellenzcluster visus vis-gis visus:ertl visus:sadlo visus:karchgz visus:ertlmz tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Niels Henze, Ullrich Martin, Monika A Rieger, Lars Lischke, Sven Mayer, Carlo von Molo, Benjamin Steinhilber, and Florestan Wagenblast. Konzept zur Entwicklung moderner Bedienformen für Betriebszentralen. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, (1)Eurailpress – Deutscher Verkehrs-Verlag, 2017. [PUMA: vis-sks vis vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci visus:lischkls visus:mayersn visus:henzens tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Markus Funk, Lars Lischke, and Sven Mayer. Neue Impulse für visuelle Kommissioniersddistenzsysteme aus der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. Warehousing 4.0, B+G Wissenschaftsverlag, 2017. [PUMA: vis(us) simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci vis simtech2 exc2075 motioneap vis-sks visus:mayersn visus:funkms visus:lischkls tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Andrzej Romanowski, Sven Mayer, Lars Lischke, Krzysztof Grudzien, Tomasz Jaworski, Izabela Perenc, Przemysław Kucharski, Mohammad Obaid, Tomasz Kosinski, and Paweł W. Woźniak. Towards Supporting Remote Cheering during Running Races with Drone Technology. In ACM Press (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '17), ACM, 2017. [PUMA: vis-sks vis vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-mci visus:wozniapl visus:lischkls visus:mayersn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Miriam Greis, Emre Avci, Albrecht Schmidt, and Tonja Machulla. Increasing Users' Confidence in Uncertain Data by Aggregating Data from Multiple Sources. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017, 2017. [PUMA: vis-mci vis vis(us) simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:schmidat visus:greismm visus:avciee tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Kuno Kurzhals, and Daniel Weiskopf. Visualizing Eye Tracking Data with Gaze-Guided Slit-Scans. In IEEE (Eds.), IEEE Second Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS), 2016. [PUMA: simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis(us) visus visus:kurzhako visus:weiskopf tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Miriam Greis, Hendrik Schuff, Marius Kleiner, Niels Henze, and Albrecht Schmidt. Input Controls for Entering Uncertain Data: Probability Distribution Sliders. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, (1)2017. [PUMA: simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks vis vis(us) vis-mci visus:greismm visus:schmidat visus:henzens tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Miriam Greis, Jessica Hullman, Michael Correll, Matthew Kay, and Orit Shaer. Designing for Uncertainty in HCI: When Does Uncertainty Help?. CHI'17 Extended Abstracts, 2017. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus:greismm tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Michael Krone, Karsten Schatz, Nora Hieronymus, Christoph Müller, Michael Becher, Tina Barthelmes, April Cooper, Steffen Currle, Patrick Gralka, Marcel Hlawatsch, Lisa Pietrzyk, Tobias Rau, Guido Reina, Rene Trefft, and Thomas Ertl. From Visualization Research to Public Presentation - Design and Realization of a Scientific Exhibition. Proceedings of SIGRAD 2017, 2017. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-gis vis visus sfb716-c6 sfb716-c sfb716 sfb dfg sfb716-ö sfb716-d4 sfb716-d sfb716-d4-ertl sfb716-d3 vis-ertl simtech exzellenzcluster visus:hieronna visus:bartheta visus:cooperal visus:gralkapk visus:becherml visus:hlawatml visus:rauts visus:schatzkn visus:kroneml visus:ertl visus:mueller visus:reina tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Sven Mayer, Pascal Knierim, Paweł W. Woźniak, and Markus Funk. How Drones Can Support Backcountry Activities. Proceedings of the 2017 natureCHI workshop, in conjunction with ACM mobileHCI'17, 2017. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks simtech2 exc2075 visus:mayersn visus:funkms visus:knieripl visus:wozniapl tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Lars Lischke, Sven Mayer, Jan Hoffmann, Philipp Kratzer, Stephan Roth, Katrin Wolf, and Paweł W. Woźniak. Interaction Techniques for Window Management on Large High-Resolution Displays. The 16th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, ACM, 2017. [PUMA: simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks vis vis(us) vis-mci visus:lischkls visus:hoffmajn visus:wozniapl visus:wolfkn visus:mayersn tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Markus Funk, Lars Lischke, and Sven Mayer. Neue Impulse für visuelle Kommissionierassistenzsysteme aus der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. Warehousing 4.0, B+G Wissenschaftsverlag, 2017. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks simtech2 exc2075 motioneap visus:mayersn visus:funkms visus:lischkls tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Sven Mayer, Gad Perihan, Katrin Wolf, Paweł W. Woźniak, and Niels Henze. Understanding the Ergonomic Constraints in Designing for Touch Surfaces. In ACM (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, ACM, 2017. [PUMA: simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg vis-sks vis vis(us) vis-mci visus:wozniapl visus:wolfkn visus:henzens visus:mayersn tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Tanja Munz, Michael Burch, Toon van Benthem, Yoeri Poels, Fabian Beck, and Daniel Weiskopf. Overlap-Free Drawing of Generalized Pythagoras Trees for Hierarchy Visualization. 2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 251-255, October 2019. [PUMA: visus vis(us) peerreviewed peer exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg simtech2-pn6 pn6 simtech2 visus:munzta visus:beckfn visus:burchml visus:weiskopf tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Frank Heyen, Tanja Munz, Michael Neumann, Daniel Ortega, Ngoc Thang Vu, Daniel Weiskopf, and Michael Sedlmair. ClaVis: An Interactive Visual Comparison System for Classifiers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), 9:1-9:9, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2020. [PUMA: sfbtrr161 sfb dfg sfbtrr161-a08 a08 sfbtrr161-a simtech exzellenzcluster exc2075 peerreviewed peer visus vis(us) visus:sedlmaml visus:heyenfk visus:weiskopf visus:munzta tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Xingyao Yu, Katrin Angerbauer, Peter Mohr, Denis Kalkofen, and Michael Sedlmair. Perspective Matters: Design Implications for Motion Guidance in Mixed Reality. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2020. [PUMA: exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg visus vis(us) visus:angerbkn visus:yuxo visus:sedlmaml tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Tanja Munz, Noel Schäfer, Tanja Blascheck, Kuno Kurzhals, Eugene Zhang, and Daniel Weiskopf. Comparative Visual Gaze Analysis for Virtual Board Games. The 13th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2020), 2020. [PUMA: vis(us) visus simtech2-pn6 pn6 simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg peerreviewed peer visus:weiskopf visus:blaschta visus:kurzhako visus:munzta visus:zhangee tiger-generation:638627096964836919]

Tanja Munz, Lewis L. Chuang, Sebastian Pannasch, and Daniel Weiskopf. VisME: Visual microsaccades explorer. Journal of Eye Movement Research, (12)6December 2019. [PUMA: visus vis(us) peerreviewed peer exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg simtech2-pn6 pn6 simtech2 sfbtrr161-c06 c06 sfbtrr161-c sfbtrr161 sfb visus:chuangls visus:munzta visus:weiskopf tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Tanja Munz, Dirk Väth, Paul Kuznecov, Thang Vu, and Daniel Weiskopf. Visual-Interactive Neural Machine Translation. Graphics Interface 2021, 2021. [PUMA: vis(us) visus exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg peerreviewed peer simtech2-pn6 pn6 simtech2 visus:weiskopf visus:vuth visus:munzta tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Rafael Garcia, Tanja Munz, and Daniel Weiskopf. Visual analytics tool for the interpretation of hidden states in recurrent neural networks. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, (4)242021. [PUMA: vis(us) visus simtech2-pn6 pn6 simtech2 exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg peerreviewed peer visus:weiskopf visus:munzta visus:garciarl tiger-generation:638627096964836919] URL

Gleb Tkachev, Steffen Frey, and Thomas Ertl. S4: Self-Supervised learning of Spatiotemporal Similarity. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021. [PUMA: exc2075 simtech exzellenzcluster dfg peerreviewed peer simtech2-pn6 pn6 simtech2 visus vis(us) visus:tkachegb visus:freysn visus:ertl tiger-generation:638627096964836919]