
Angelika Vetter, Saskia Geyer, and Ulrich Eith. Die wahrgenommenen Wirkungen von Bürgerbeteiligung. Demokratie-Monitoring Baden-Württemberg 2013/2014 : Studien zu Demokratie und Partizipation, 223-342, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2015. [PUMA: sent ubs_10011 ubs_20016 ubs_30150 ubs_40350 unibibliografie]

Patrick Bernhagen. Chambers of Commerce as Political Actors : Theoretical Perspectives on Their Organisation and Influence. In Detlef Sack (Eds.), Chambers of Commerce in Europe : Self-Governance and Institutional Change, 25-46, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021. [PUMA: sent ubs_10011 ubs_20016 ubs_30150 ubs_40350 unibibliografie]

Patrick Bernhagen, and Angelika Vetter. Political Participation. In Rory Costello, and Neil Robinson (Eds.), Comparative European politics : distinctive democracies, common challenges, 79-100, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021. [PUMA: sent ubs_10011 ubs_20016 ubs_30150 ubs_40350 unibibliografie]

Dominic Pakull, Felix Goldberg, and Patrick Bernhagen. Die Repräsentation der Bürgerinnen und Bürger durch organisierte Interessen in Deutschland. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, (61)3:525-551, Nomos, 2020. [PUMA: oa sent ubs_10011 ubs_20016 ubs_30150 ubs_40350 unibibliografie]

Jan Anye Velimsky, Angelika Vetter, and André Bächtiger. Reducing Social Stratification Bias in Referendum Participation : Evidence from the German Local Level. Political research quarterly, Sage Publications, 2024. [PUMA: oa ubs_10011 ubs_20016 ubs_30150 ubs_40270 ubs_40350 unibibliografie wos]