
Andreas Greiner, Olaf Böckmann, Simon Weber, Martin Ostermann, and Micha Schäfer. CoolSkin : A Novel Façade Design for Sustainable Solar Cooling by Adsorption. Journal of facade design and engineering, (10)2:39-56, IOS Press, 2022. [PUMA: mult sent ubs_10001 ubs_10002 ubs_10004 ubs_20001 ubs_20002 ubs_20004 ubs_30002 ubs_30178 ubs_30188 ubs_40002 ubs_40298 ubs_40370 unibibliografie]

Simon Weber, Olaf Böckmann, Andreas Greiner, Sumee Park, Micha Schäfer, and Martin Ostermann. Optimal operation and conceptual design of a novel facade-integrated adsorption cooling system. EuroSun2022 Proceedings, International Solar Energy Society, Freiburg, 2022. [PUMA: mult sent ubs_10001 ubs_10002 ubs_10004 ubs_20001 ubs_20002 ubs_20004 ubs_30002 ubs_30178 ubs_30188 ubs_40002 ubs_40298 ubs_40370 unibibliografie]

Simon Weber, Yuan Fang, Daniel Rüdisser, and Philip Leistner. Replication Data for: "LiDICS: A Light Dynamics Interface for Multi-domain Simulation based on the FMI-Standard". 2024. [PUMA: darus mult ubs_10002 ubs_10018 ubs_20002 ubs_20023 ubs_30178 ubs_30199 ubs_40298 unibibliografie]

Britta Frommeyer, Julia Koch, Carla Maria Scagnetti Goyarzu, Manuel Lorenz, and Gerhard Schewe. Recycled or reusable : A multi-method assessment of eco-friendly packaging in online retail. Journal of industrial ecology, (28)1:100-115, Blackwell, 2024. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30178 ubs_40298 unibibliografie wos]

Oliver Bucklin, Theresa Müller, Felix Amtsberg, Philip Leistner, and Achim Menges. Analysis of thermal Transmittance, air Permeability, and hygrothermal behavior of a solid timber building envelope. Energy and buildings, (299):113629, Elsevier, 2023. [PUMA: mult ubs_10001 ubs_10002 ubs_20001 ubs_20002 ubs_30176 ubs_30178 ubs_40298 ubs_40320 unibibliografie wos]