
Bernd Flemisch, Sibylle Hermann, Christian Holm, Miriam Mehl, Guido Reina, Benjamin Uekermann, David Boehringer, Thomas Ertl, Jean-Noël Grad, Dorothea Iglezakis, Alexander Jaust, Timo Koch, Anett Seeland, Rudolf Weeber, Florian Weik, and Kilian Weishaupt. Umgang mit Forschungssoftware an der Universität Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 2020. [PUMA: abgleich mult ubs_10002 ubs_10005 ubs_10008 ubs_10013 ubs_20002 ubs_20008 ubs_20014 ubs_20021 ubs_30028 ubs_30082 ubs_30086 ubs_30136 ubs_30167 ubs_40040 ubs_40129 ubs_40216 ubs_40427 unibibliografie]

G. Inci, Andreas Kronenburg, Rudolf Weeber, and Dirk Pflüger. Langevin Dynamics Simulation of Transport and Aggregation of Soot Nano-particles in Turbulent Flows. Flow turbulence and combustion, (98)4:1065-1085, Springer, 2017. [PUMA: mult ubs_10004 ubs_10005 ubs_10008 ubs_20004 ubs_20008 ubs_20014 ubs_30049 ubs_30082 ubs_30136 ubs_40216 ubs_40349 ubs_40358 unibibliografie wos]

Milena Smiljanic, Andreas Kronenburg, Rudolf Weeber, Christian Holm, and Dirk Pflüger. Towards a coarse-grained approach of nanoparticle agglomeration. 2018. [PUMA: mult sent ubs_10004 ubs_10005 ubs_10008 ubs_20004 ubs_20008 ubs_20014 ubs_30049 ubs_30082 ubs_30136 ubs_40216 ubs_40349 ubs_40358 unibibliografie]