
Marc Schwientek, Gaelle Guillet, Hermann Rügner, Bertram Kuch, and Peter Grathwohl. A high-precision sampling scheme to assess persistence and transport characteristics of micropollutants in rivers. Science of the total environment, (540):444-454, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 ubs_30026 wos ubs_40033]

Angela Boley, Ganna Korshun, S. Boley, V. Jung-Schroers, M. Adamek, D. Steinhagen, and S. Richter. A new reactor for denitrification and micro-particle removal in recirculated aquaculture systems. Water science and technology, (75)5:1204-1210, IWA Publishing, 2017. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 ubs_30026 wos ubs_40033]

Marc Schwientek, Gaëlle Guillet, Hermann Rügner, Bertram Kuch, and Peter Gratwohl. A sampling scheme to assess persistence and transport characteristics of xenobiotics within an urban river section. 2014. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Philipp Baum, Bertram Kuch, and Ulrich Dittmer. Adsorption of Metals to Particles in Urban Stormwater Runoff : Does Size Really Matter?. Water, (13)3:309, MDPI, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie oa ubs_10002 ubs_30026 wos ubs_40033]

Md. Aynul Bari, Günter Baumbach, Bertram Kuch, and Günter Scheffknecht. Air pollution in residential areas from wood-fired heating. Aerosol and air quality research, (11)6:749-757, AAQR, 2011. [PUMA: ubs_20002 ubs_30043 unibibliografie ubs_10004 oa ubs_10002 ubs_40070 liste ubs_30026 ubs_20004 mult ubs_40033]

Marie Launay, Bertram Kuch, Claudia Lange, Birgit Schlichtig, Ulrich Dittmer, Jörg W. Metzger, and Heidrun Steinmetz. Anwendung von Leitparametern zur Abschätzung des Verhaltens organischer Spurenstoffe in einem urban geprägten Gewässer. KA - Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, (61)11:1013-1018, GFA, 2014. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Jörg W. Metzger, K. Amaral, and L. A. V. Erthal. Análise do uso de osmose reversa em uma indústria automotiva. Hydro, (74):24-29, São Paulo Aranda, 2012. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

A. Wosniak, Daniela Neuffer, Karen Juliana do Amaral, M. Arakaki, and M. E. Souza. Aplicação de osmose reversa para pós-tratamento de água para fins industriais. 28º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, 2015, 21-28, ABES, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 ubs_30026 hp mult ubs_40033 ubs_40034]

Anja Henneberg, Katrin Bender, Ludek Blaha, Sabrina Giebner, Bertram Kuch, Heinz-R. Köhler, Diana Maier, Jörg Oehlmann, Doreen Richter, Marco Scheurer, Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann, Agnes Sieratowicz, Simone Ziebart, and Rita Triebskorn. Are In Vitro Methods for the Detection of Endocrine Potentials in the Aquatic Environment Predictive for In Vivo Effects? Outcomes of the Projects SchussenAktiv and SchussenAktivplus in the Lake Constance Area, Germany. PLoS ONE, (9)6:e98307, PLOS, 2014. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Q. Zhang, Manuel Krauß, A. Neft, Bertram Kuch, Ralf Minke, and H. Steinmetz. Assessment of River Water Quality in a Watershed Affected by Large-scale Rubber Plantations-Pesticides and other organic trace substances. Issues and Solutions to Diffuse Pollution: Selected Papers from the 14th International Conference of the IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group, DIPCON 2010, IWA, London, 2010. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 mult ubs_40033 ubs_40034]

Marie Launay, Bertram Kuch, U. Dittmer, and Heidrun Steinmetz. Auswahl organischer Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren zur Bewertung der Gewässerqualität bei Regenwetter. Tagungsband Aqua Urbanica : Gewässerschutz bei Regenwetter : Gemeinschaftsaufgabe für Stadtplaner, Ingenieure und Ökologen, 23-29, 2013. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Michael Koch. Basic Statistics. In Bernd W. Wenclawiak, Michael Koch, and Evsevios Hadjicostas (Eds.), Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry : Training and Teaching, 161-181, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Diana Maier, Ludek Blaha, John P. Giesy, Anja Henneberg, Heinz-R. Köhler, Bertram Kuch, Raphaela Osterauer, Katharina Peschke, Doreen Richter, Marco Scheurer, and Rita Triebskorn. Biological plausibility as a tool to associate analytical data for micropollutants and effect potentials in wastewater, surface water, and sediments with effects in fishes. Water research, (72):127-144, Elsevier, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 ubs_30026 wos ubs_40033]

Claudia Lange, Bertram Kuch, J. A. Pfeiffer, J. Podlipsky-Sanchez, H. Hetzenauer, H. Schröder, and Jörg W. Metzger. Biomonitoring of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Fishes of Lake Constance, Germany. Book of Abstracts / 14th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 514, 2013. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Michael Koch. Calibration. In Bernd W. Wenclawiak, Michael Koch, and Evsevios Hadjicostas (Eds.), Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry : Training and Teaching, 183-200, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Peter Grathwohl, Hermann Rügner, Thomas Wöhling, Karsten Osenbrück, Marc Schwientek, Sebastian Gayler, Ute Wollschläger, Benny Selle, Marion Pause, Jens-Olaf Delfs, Matthias Grzeschik, Ulrich Weller, Martin Ivanov, Olaf A. Cirpka, Ulrich Maier, Bertram Kuch, Wolfgang Nowak, Volker Wulfmeyer, Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Thilo Streck, Sabine Attinger, Lars Bilke, Peter Dietrich, Jan H. Fleckenstein, Thomas Kalbacher, Olaf Kolditz, Karsten Rink, Luis Samaniego, Hans-Jörg Vogel, Ulrike Werban, and Georg Teutsch. Catchments as Reactors : A comprehensive approach for water fluxes and solute turn-over. Environmental Earth Sciences, (69)2:317-333, Springer, 2013. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Angela Boley, K. Narasimhan, M. Kieninger, and W.-R. Müller. Ceramic Membrane Ultrafiltration of Natural Surface Water with Ultrasound Enhanced Backwashing. Water Science & Technology, (61)5:1121-1127, IWA Publishing, 2010. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Michael Koch. Changes to proficiency testing in developing countries over the last 10 years. Topical focus on PT/EQA, 24, 1:9-12, Springer, Berlin, 2019. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 ubs_30026 wos ubs_40033]

Md. Aynul Bari, Günter Baumbach, Johannes Brodbeck, Michael Struschka, Bertram Kuch, Werner Dreher, and Günter Scheffknecht. Characterisation of particulates and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wintertime wood-fired heating in residential areas. Atmospheric environment, (45)40:7627-7634, Elsevier, 2011. [PUMA: ubs_20002 ubs_30043 unibibliografie ubs_10004 ubs_10002 ubs_40070 liste ubs_30026 ubs_20004 mult ubs_40033]

Carolina de Barros Bággio, Daniela Neuffer, and Andreas Friedrich Grauer. Comparativo entre a metodologia de inspeção e estratégia de remediação de rede coletora de esgotos da alemanha e do brasil. 28º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, 2015, 21-27, ABES, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 ubs_30026 mult ubs_40033 ubs_40034]