
Julian Lißner, and Felix Fritzen. Data-Driven Microstructure Property Relations. Mathematical and Computational Applications, (24)2:57, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: mult oa ubs_10002 ubs_10021 ubs_20002 ubs_20019 ubs_30024 ubs_30165 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

X. Yin, I Zarikos, Nikolaos K. Karadimitriou, A. Raoof, and S. M. Hassanizadeh. Direct simulations of two-phase flow experiments of different geometry complexities using Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method. Chemical Engineering Science, (195):820-827, Elsevier, 2019. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

Sharul Hasan, Vahid Joekar-Niasar, Nikolaos K. Karadimitriou, and Muhammad Sahimi. Saturation Dependence of Non-Fickian Transport in Porous Media. Water Resources Research, (55)2:1153-1166, American Geophysical Union, 2019. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

Wolfgang Ehlers, and Kai Häberle. Interfacial Mass Transfer During Gas-Liquid Phase Change in Deformable Porous Media with Heat Transfer. Transport in porous media, (114)2:525-556, Springer, 2016. [PUMA: mult oa ubs_10002 ubs_10012 ubs_20002 ubs_20018 ubs_30024 ubs_30159 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

Ibrahim Gueven, Stefan Frijters, Jens Harting, Stefan Luding, and Holger Steeb. Hydraulic properties of porous sintered glass bead systems. Granular matter, (19)2:28, Springer, 2017. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

Felix Fritzen, Bernhard Haasdonk, David Ryckelynck, and Sebastian Schöps. An algorithmic comparison of the Hyper-Reduction and the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method for a nonlinear thermal problem. Mathematical & computational applications, (23)1:8; 1-25, MDPI, 2018. [PUMA: mult oa ubs_10002 ubs_10008 ubs_20002 ubs_20013 ubs_30024 ubs_30123 ubs_40030 ubs_40305 unibibliografie]

Matthias Halisch, Holger Steeb, Steven Henkel, and Charlotte M. Krawczyk. Pore-scale tomography and imaging: applications, techniques and recommended practice. Solid earth, (7)4:1141-1143, Copernicus, 2016. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

Ehsan Ghobadi, Axel Marquardt, Elias Mahmoudinezhad Zirdehi, Klaus Neuking, Fathollah Varnik, Gunther Eggeler, and Holger Steeb. The Influence of Water and Solvent Uptake on Functional Properties of Shape-Memory Polymers. International journal of polymer science, (2018):7819353, Hindawi, 2018. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]

Ehsan Ghobadi, Mohamed Elsayed, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, and Holger Steeb. Demonstrating the Influence of Physical Aging on the Functional Properties of Shape-Memory Polymers. Polymers, (10)2:107, MDPI, 2018. [PUMA: oa ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40030 unibibliografie wos]