
Richard Kemmler, R. Hübner, A. Löhle, D. Neubauer, I. Voloshenko, L. M. Schoop, Martin Dressel, and Artem Pronin. Free-carrier dynamics in Au2Pb probed by optical conductivity measurements. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, (30)48:485403, IOP Publishing, 2018. [PUMA: ubs_30131 unibibliografie ubs_20014 ubs_40319 ubs_40206 ubs_10008 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 ubs_30128 wos mult]

Felix Hütt, A. Yaresko, Micha B. Schilling, C. Shekhar, C. Felser, Martin Dressel, and V. Artem Pronin. Linear-in-Frequency Optical Conductivity in GdPtBi due to Transitions near the Triple Points. Physical review letters, (121)17:176601, American Physical Society, 2018. [PUMA: unibibliografie ubs_20014 ubs_40206 ubs_10008 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 ubs_30128 wos mult]

Dmytro L. Kamenskyi, Artem V. Pronin, Hadj M. Benia, Victor P. Martovitskii, Kirill S. Pervakov, and Yurii G. Selivanov. Bulk Cyclotron Resonance in the Topological Insulator Bi2Te3. Crystals, (10)9:722, MDPI, 2020. [PUMA: unibibliografie oa ubs_20014 ubs_10008 dfg f2020 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 oafonds]

Annika Konzelmann, Hemant Charaya, Bruno Gompf, Martin Dressel, and Audrey Berrier. Tuning the second harmonic generation of self-generated metallic islands. AIP Advances, (8)7:075012, AIP Publishing, 2018. [PUMA: ubs_20014 dfg oafonds unibibliografie oa ubs_40209 ubs_10008 ubs_30127 ubs_40326 wos mult f2018 ubs_30130]

Meng Wang, Anja Löhle, Bruno Gompf, Martin Dressel, and Audrey Berrier. Physical interpretation of Mueller matrix spectra: a versatile method applied to gold gratings. Optics express, (25)6:6983-6996, Optical Society of America, 2017. [PUMA: unibibliografie oa ubs_20014 ubs_10008 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 oafonds wos f2017 uni]

Shahin Bagheri, Christine M. Zgrabik, Timo Gissibl, Andreas Tittl, Florian Sterl, Ramon Walter, Stefano De Zuani, Audrey Berrier, Thomas Stauden, Gunther Richter, Evelyn L. Hu, and Harald Gießen. Large-area fabrication of TiN nanoantenna arrays for refractory plasmonics in the mid-infrared by femtosecond direct laser writing and interference lithography. Optical Materials Express, (5)11:2625-2633, OSA, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_20014 ubs_20018 oafonds uni unibibliografie oa ubs_10012 f2015 ubs_10008 ubs_30127 wos mult ubs_30161 ubs_30130]

Ying Li, Andrej Pustogow, Mathias Bories, P. Puphal, C. Krellner, Martin Dressel, and Roser Valentí. Lattice dynamics in the spin-1/2 frustrated kagome compound herbertsmithite. Physical Review. B, (101)16:161115, American Physical Society, 2020. [PUMA: unibibliografie ubs_20014 ubs_10008 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 wos]

Andrej Pustogow, Roland Rösslhuber, Y. Tan, Ece Uykur, Anette Böhme, Maxim Wenzel, Yohei Saito, Anja Löhle, Ralph Hübner, A. Kawamoto, J. A. Schlueter, V. Dobrosavljević, and Martin Dressel. Low-temperature dielectric anomaly arising from electronic phase separation at the Mott insulator-metal transition. npj Quantum Materials, (6):9, Springer Nature, 2021. [PUMA: unibibliografie oa ubs_20014 ubs_10008 dfg f2021 ubs_40205 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 ubs_30128 oafonds mult]

A. Pustogow, Y. Saito, A. Rohwer, J. A. Schlüter, and Martin Dressel. Coexistence of charge order and superconductivity in b"-(BEDT-TTF)2 SF5CH2CF2SO3. Physical Review. B, (99)14:140509, APS Publications, 2019. [PUMA: unibibliografie ubs_20014 ubs_10008 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 wos]

Diego Rodriguez, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Tobias Biesner, Teppei Ueno, Takeshi Takahashi, Kaya Kobayashi, Martin Dressel, and Ece Uykur. Optical signatures of phase transitions and structural modulation in elemental tellurium under pressure. Physical Review. B, (101)17:174104, American Physical Society, 2020. [PUMA: unibibliografie ubs_20014 ubs_10008 ubs_40205 ubs_40326 ubs_30127 ubs_30128 wos mult]