
Jonas Fritz, and Udo Seifert. Thermodynamically consistent model of an active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particle. Journal of statistical mechanics : theory and experiment, (2023)September:093204, Institute of Physics, 2023. [PUMA: f2023 hybrid oa oafonds transform ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie]

Timur Koyuk, and Udo Seifert. Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation in Interacting Many-Body Systems. Physical review letters, (129)21:210603, American Physical Society, 2022. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Jann van der Meer, Julius Degünther, and Udo Seifert. Time-Resolved Statistics of Snippets as General Framework for Model-Free Entropy Estimators. (130)25:257101, American Physical Society, 2023. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Benjamin Ertel, Jann Van der Meer, and Udo Seifert. Waiting Time Distributions in Hybrid Models of Motor–Bead Assays : A Concept and Tool for Inference. International journal of molecular sciences, (24)8:7610, MDPI, 2023. [PUMA: f2023 gold oa oafonds ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie]

Julius Degünther, and Udo Seifert. Anomalous relaxation from a non-equilibrium steady state : An isothermal analog of the Mpemba effect. epl, (139)4:41002, EDP Sciences, 2022. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Josip Augustin Janeš, Cornelia Monzel, Daniel Schmidt, Rudolf Merkel, Udo Seifert, Kheya Sengupta, and Ana-Sunčana Smith. First-Principle Coarse-Graining Framework for Scale-Free Bell-Like Association and Dissociation Rates in Thermal and Active Systems. Physical review. X, Expanding access, (12)3:031030, American Physical Society, 2022. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Lukas Oberreiter, Udo Seifert, and Andre C. Barato. Universal minimal cost of coherent biochemical oscillations. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics, (106)1:014106, American Physical Society, 2022. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Benjamin Ertel, Jann van der Meer, and Udo Seifert. Operationally accessible uncertainty relations for thermodynamically consistent semi-Markov processes. Physical review. e, Statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics, (105)4:044113, American Physical Society, 2022. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Benedikt Remlein, Volker Weißmann, and Udo Seifert. Coherence of oscillations in the weak-noise limit. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics, (105)6:064101, American Physical Society, 2022. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Julius Degünther, Timur Koyuk, and Udo Seifert. Phase shift in periodically driven non-equilibrium systems : its identification and a bound. Journal of statistical mechanics, (2022)March:033207, Institute of Physics, 2022. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Jann Van der Meer, Benjamin Ertel, and Udo Seifert. Thermodynamic Inference in Partially Accessible Markov Networks : A Unifying Perspective from Transition-Based Waiting Time Distributions. Physical review. X, (12)3:031025, The American Physical Society, 2022. [PUMA: f2022 oa oafonds ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 uni unibibliografie]

Oliver Niggemann, and Udo Seifert. The Two Scaling Regimes of the Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for the KPZ-Equation. Journal of statistical physics, (186)1:3, Springer, 2022. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Timur Koyuk, and Udo Seifert. Quality of the thermodynamic uncertainty relation for fast and slow driving. Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical, (54)41:414005, Institute of Physics, 2021. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Benedikt Remlein, and Udo Seifert. Optimality of nonconservative driving for finite-time processes with discrete states. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics, (103)5:L050105, American Physical Society, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Timur Koyuk, and Udo Seifert. Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for Time-Dependent Driving. Physical review letters, (125)26:260604, American Physical Society, 2020. [PUMA: wos ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie]

Oliver Niggemann, and Udo Seifert. Numerical Study of the Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for the KPZ-Equation. Journal of statistical physics, (182)2:25, Springer Nature, 2021. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Lukas Oberreiter, Udo Seifert, and Andre C. Barato. Stochastic Discrete Time Crystals : Entropy Production and Subharmonic Synchronization. Physical review letters, (126)2:020603, American Physical Society, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Matthias Uhl, Volker Weißmann, and Udo Seifert. Propagator for a driven Brownian particle in step potentials. Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical, (54)6:065002, IOP Publishing, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Jonas H. Fritz, Basile Nguyen, and Udo Seifert. Stochastic thermodynamics of chemical reactions coupled to finite reservoirs : A case study for the Brusselator. Journal of chemical physics, (152)23:235101, AIP Publishing, 2020. [PUMA: oa ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]

Basile Nguyen, and Udo Seifert. Exponential volume dependence of entropy-current fluctuations at first-order phase transitions in chemical reaction networks. Physical Review. E, (102)2:022101, American Physical Society, 2020. [PUMA: ubs_10008 ubs_20014 ubs_30133 ubs_40213 unibibliografie wos]