
Michael Dyballa, Utz Obenaus, Melanie Rosenberger, Achim Fischer, Harald Jakob, Elias Klemm, and Michael Hunger. Post-synthetic improvement of H-ZSM-22 zeolites for the methanol-to-olefin conversion. Microporous and mesoporous materials, (233):26-30, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

M. Wichert, R. Zapf, A. Ziogas, G. Kolb, and Elias Klemm. Kinetic investigations of the steam reforming of methanol over a Pt/In2O3/Al2O3 catalyst in microchannels. Chemical engineering science, (155):201-209, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Michael Dyballa, Utz Obenaus, Swen Lang, Barbara Gehring, Yvonne Traa, Hubert Koller, and Michael Hunger. Bronsted sites and structural stabilization effect of acidic low-silica zeolite A prepared by partial ammonium exchange. Microporous and mesoporous materials, (212):110-116, Elsevier, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Bo Tang, Weili Dai, Xiaoming Sun, Guangjun Wu, Landong Li, Naijia Guan, and Michael Hunger. Incorporation of cerium atoms into Al-free Beta zeolite framework for catalytic application. Chinese journal of catalysis, (36)6:801-805, Elsevier, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

S. Greiser, Michael Hunger, and C. Jäger. 29Si27Al TRAPDOR MAS NMR to distinguish Qn(mAl) sites in aluminosilicates. Test case: Faujasite-type zeolites. Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance, (79):6-10, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Michael Dyballa, Peter Becker, Daniel Trefz, Elias Klemm, Achim Fischer, Harald Jakob, and Michael Hunger. Parameters influencing the selectivity to propene in the MTO conversion on 10-ring zeolites: directly synthesized zeolites ZSM-5, ZSM-11, and ZSM-22. Applied catalysis. A, General, (510):233-243, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Utz Obenaus, Felix Neher, Matthias Scheibe, Michael Dyballa, Swen Lang, and Michael Hunger. Relationships between the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Properties of Rh-, Ir-, Pd-, and Pt-Containing Zeolites Y Studied by In Situ MAS NMR Spectroscopy and Conventional Heterogeneous Catalysis. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, (120)4:2284-2291, American Chemical Society, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Kyung Duk Kim, Suman Pokhrel, Zichun Wang, Huajuan Ling, Cuifeng Zhou, Zongwen Liu, Michael Hunger, Lutz Mädler, and Jun Huangt. Tailoring High-Performance Pd Catalysts for Chemoselective Hydrogenation Reactions via Optimizing the Parameters of the Double-Flame Spray Pyrolysis. ACS catalysis, (6)4:2372-2381, American Chemical Society, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

K. Sato, K. Fujimoto, W. Dai, and Michael Hunger. Quantitative Elucidation of Cs Adsorption Sites in Clays: Toward Sophisticated Decontamination of Radioactive Cs. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, (120)2:1270-1274, American Chemical Society, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Hubert Koller, Soumya Senapati, Jinjun Ren, Tobias Uesbeck, Vassilios Siozios, Michael Hunger, and Raul F. Lobo. Post-Synthesis Conversion of Borosilicate Zeolite Beta to an Aluminosilicate with Isolated Acid Sites: A Quantitative Distance Analysis by Solid-State NMR. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, (120)18:9811-9820, American Chemical Society, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Pascal D. Hermann, Toine Cents, Elias Klemm, and Dirk Ziegenbalg. Simulation Study of the Ethoxylation of Octanol in a Microstructured Reactor. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, (55)49:12675-12686, American Chemical Society, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Xiaoming Sun, Weili Dai, Guangjun Wu, Landong Li, Naijia Guan, and Michael Hunger. Evidence of rutile-to-anatase photo-induced electron transfer in mixed-phase TiO2 by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Chemical communications, (51)72:13779-13782, RSC, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Weili Dai, Chuanming Wang, Michael Dyballa, Guangjun Wu, Naijia Guan, Landong Li, Zaiku Xie, and Michael Hunger. Understanding the Early Stages of the Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion on H-SAPO-34. ACS catalysis, (5)1:317-326, ACS, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Bo Tang, Weili Dai, Xiaoming Sun, Guangjun Wu, Naijia Guan, Michael Hunger, and Landong Li. Mesoporous Zr-Beta zeolites prepared by a post-synthetic strategy as a robust Lewis acid catalyst for the ring-opening aminolysis of epoxides. Green chemistry, (17)3:1744-1755, RSC, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Zichun Wang, Kyung-Duk Kim, Cuifeng Zhou, Mengmeng Chen, Nobutaka Maeda, Zongwen Liu, Jeffrey Shi, Alfons Baiker, Michael Hunger, and Jun Huang. Influence of support acidity on the performance of size-confined Pt nanoparticles in the chemoselective hydrogenation of acetophenone. Catalysis science & technology, (5)5:2788-2797, RSC, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Weili Dai, Michael Dyballa, Guangjun Wu, Landong Li, Naijia Guan, and Michael Hunger. Intermediates and Dominating Reaction Mechanism During the Early Period of the Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion on SAPO-41. The Journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, (119)5:2637-2645, ACS, 2015. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Robin Otterstätter, Horst-Werner Zanthoff, and Elias Klemm. Three-Phase Heterogeneously Catalyzed Oxidative Esterification - Relevance of Oxygen Mass Transport. Chemical engineering & technology, (39)11:2029-2034, Wiley-VCH, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Suman Sen, Roman Schowner, Dominik A. Imbrich, Wolfgang Frey, Michael Hunger, and Michael R. Buchmeiser. Neutral and Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: Reactivity in Selected Olefin Metathesis Reactions and Immobilization on Silica. Chemistry - a European journal, (21)39:13778-13787, Wiley-VCH, 2015. [PUMA: liste mult ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30034 ubs_30036 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Dennis Kopljar, Norbert Wagner, and Elias Klemm. Transferring Electrochemical CO2 Reduction from Semi-Batch into Continuous Operation Mode Using Gas Diffusion Electrodes. Chemical engineering & technology, (39)11:2042-2050, Wiley-VCH, 2016. [PUMA: liste ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30038 unibibliografie wos]

Matthias Aimer, Elias Klemm, Bernd Langanke, Helmut Gehrke, and Cosima Stubenrauch. Reactive Extraction of Lactic Acid by Using Tri-n-octylamine: Structure of the Ionic Phase. Chemistry - a European journal, (22)10:3268-3272, Wiley-VCH, 2016. [PUMA: liste mult ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30035 ubs_30038 ubs_40062 unibibliografie wos]