
Daniel Müller, Thomas Dufaux, and Kai Peter Birke. Model-Based Investigation of Porosity Profiles in Graphite Anodes Regarding Sudden-Death and Second-Life of Lithium Ion Cells. Batteries, (5)2:49, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10005 ubs_20007 ubs_30075 ubs_40102 unibibliografie]

Petia Atanasova, Vladimir Atanasov, Lisa Wittum, Alexander Southan, Eunjin Choi, Christina Wege, Jochen Kerres, Sabine Eiben, and Joachim Bill. Hydrophobization of Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Control the Mineralization of Organic Templates. Nanomaterials, (9)5:800, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 mult oa oafonds ubs_10003 ubs_10004 ubs_20003 ubs_20005 ubs_20006 ubs_30032 ubs_30054 ubs_30055 ubs_30060 ubs_40052 ubs_40079 ubs_40345 unibibliografie]

Marcel Röder, Thomas Günther, and André Zimmermann. Review on Fabrication Technologies for Optical Mold Inserts. Micromachines, (10)4:233, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30108 ubs_40283 unibibliografie]

Max Becker, Lisa Junghans, Attila Teleki, Jan Bechmann, and Ralf Takors. The Less the Better : how Suppressed Base Addition Boosts Production of Monoclonal Antibodies with Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, (7):76, Frontiers Media, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10004 ubs_20005 ubs_30053 ubs_40077 unibibliografie]

Stephanie Maier, Jan Lindner, and Javier Francisco. Conceptual Framework for Biodiversity Assessments in Global Value Chains. Sustainability, (11)7:1841, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30178 ubs_40298 unibibliografie]

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David Pfander, Gregor Daiß, and Dirk Pflüger. Heterogeneous Distributed Big Data Clustering on Sparse Grids. Algorithms, (12)3:60, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10005 ubs_20008 ubs_30082 ubs_40349 unibibliografie]

Dominique Bergmann, Jan Denzel, Asmus Baden, Lucas Kugler, and Andreas Strohmayer. Innovative Scaled Test Platform e-Genius-Mod : Scaling Methods and Systems Design. Aerospace, (6)2:20, MDPI, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 mult oa oafonds ubs_10006 ubs_20010 ubs_30093 ubs_40139 ubs_40140 unibibliografie]

Julia Rex, Anna Lutz, Laura E. Faletti, Ute Albrecht, Maria Thomas, Johannes G. Bode, Christoph Borner, Oliver Sawodny, and Irmgard Merfort. IL-1β and TNFα Differentially Influence NF-κB Activity and FasL-induced Apoptosis in Primary Murine Hepatocytes During LPS-Induced Inflammation. Frontiers in Physiology, (10):117, Frontiers Media, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30112 ubs_40170 unibibliografie]

Cora Bubeck, Marc Widenmeyer, Gunther Richter, Mauro Coduri, Eberhard Goering, Songhak Yoon, and Anke Weidenkaff. Tailoring of an Unusual Oxidation State in a Lanthanum Tantalum (IV) Oxynitride via Precursor Microstructure Design. Communications Chemistry, (2)1:134, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2019. [PUMA: dfg f2019 oa oafonds ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_30032 unibibliografie]