
Sabina Jeschke, Olivier Pfeiffer, Thomas Richter, Harald Scheel, and Christian Thomsen. On Remote and Virtual Experiments in eLearning in Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 6th Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Istanbul, October 2007. [PUMA: laboratory myown virtual]

T. Richter, and D. Boehringer. Towards electronic exams in undergraduate engineering. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2014 IEEE, 196-201, IEEE, Istanbul, April 2014. [PUMA: Laboratory Management Virtual eExam eLearning] URL

J. Vanvinkenroye, C. Gruninger, C.-J. Heine, and T. Richter. A Quantitative Analysis of a Virtual Programming Lab. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2103), 457 - 461, IEEE, Anaheim, California, USA, December 2013. [PUMA: laboratory virtual] URL

Y. Tetour, D. Boehringer, and T. Richter. Integration of virtual and remote experiments into undergraduate engineering courses. Global Online Laboratory Consortium Remote Laboratories Workshop (GOLC), 2011 First, 1 - 6, IEEE, Rapid City, SD, October 2011. [PUMA: Course, Education, Engineering Experiment, Laboratory Online Physics Remote Virtual in] URL