
Gerald Beck, und Cordula Kropp. Infrastructures of risk: a mapping approach towards controversies on risks. Journal of Risk Research, (14)1:1-16, 2011. [PUMA: mapping Sowi5CK approach infrastructures from:alisauhrig risk controversy]

K Asdal, G Beck, I Brickmann, und Cordula Kropp. Mapping Controversies – What is at stake? Deliverable 2b/WP2. Paris, 2009. [PUMA: mapping Sowi5CK stake from:alisauhrig controversies]

G Beck, und C Kropp. Infrastructures of risk: a mapping approach towards controversies on risks. Journal of Risk Research, (14)1:1-16, 2011. [PUMA: mapping approach infrastructures from:alisauhrig controversies sowi5CK risk]