
Lukas Brencher, and Andrea Barth. Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Stochastic Discontinuous Flux Functions. International Conference on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, 265--273, 2020. [PUMA: exc2075 pn5]

Sinan Xiao, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. Forward-reverse switch between density-based and regional sensitivity analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling, (84):377--392, Elsevier, 2020. [PUMA: exc2075 pn5]

Sinan Xiao, Timothy Praditia, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. Global sensitivity analysis of a CaO/Ca(OH)2 thermochemical energy storage model for parametric effect analysis. Applied Energy, (285):116456, Elsevier, 2021. [PUMA: exc2075 pn5]

Sinan Xiao, Sebastian Reuschen, Gözde Köse, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. Estimation of small failure probabilities based on thermodynamic integration and parallel tempering. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, (133):106248, Elsevier BV, November 2019. [PUMA: EXC2075 pn5] URL

Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. The Connection between Bayesian Inference and Information Theory for Model Selection, Information Gain and Experimental Design. Entropy, (21)11:1081, MDPI AG, November 2019. [PUMA: EXC2075 pn5] URL

Sergey Oladyshkin, Farid Mohammadi, Ilja Kroeker, and Wolfgang Nowak. Bayesian3 Active Learning for the Gaussian Process Emulator Using Information Theory. Entropy, (22)8:890, MDPI AG, August 2020. [PUMA: EXC2075 pn5] URL

Felix Beckers, Andrés Heredia, Markus Noack, Wolfgang Nowak, Silke Wieprecht, and Sergey Oladyshkin. Bayesian Calibration and Validation of a Large-Scale and Time-Demanding Sediment Transport Model. Water Resources Research, (56)7American Geophysical Union (AGU), July 2020. [PUMA: EXC2075 pn5] URL

Sinan Xiao, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. Reliability analysis with stratified importance sampling based on adaptive Kriging. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, (197):106852, Elsevier BV, May 2020. [PUMA: EXC2075 pn5] URL

Timothy Praditia, Thilo Walser, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. Improving Thermochemical Energy Storage Dynamics Forecast with Physics-Inspired Neural Network Architecture. Energies, (13)15:3873, MDPI AG, July 2020. [PUMA: EXC2075 pn5] URL