
Sabina Jeschke, Thomas Richter, Thomas Isele, und Olivier Pfeiffer. Algorithms on Graphs: Automatic Course Verification in eLearning. The 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing ~IMSA 2008~, Kailua, Hawaii, August 2008. [PUMA: Laboratories, System, training Management Virtual eLearning Course applications,]

Veronica Mateos, Alberto Gallardo, Thomas Richter, Luis Bellido, Peter Debicki, und Dr. V\'ıctor A. Villagrá. LiLa Booking System: Architecture and Conceptual Model of a Rig Booking System for On-Line Laboratories. International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), (7)4:26-35, 2011. [PUMA: design experiments Reservation System, for Remote Experiments,] URL