
Inga Häuser, Konrad Martin, Jörn Germer, Pia He, Sergey Blagodatskiy, Hongxi Liu, Manuel Krauß, Arisoa Rajaona, Min Shi, Sonna Pelz, Gerhard Langenberger, Chaodong Zhu, Marc Cotter, Sabine Stürz, Hermann Waibel, Heidrun Steinmetz, Silke Wieprecht, Oliver Fror, Michael Ahlheim, Thomas Aenis, and Georg Cadisch. Environmental and socio-economic impacts of rubber cultivation in the Mekong region: Challenges for sustainable land use. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, (10)2015. [PUMA: IWSABT:lww IWSAUTHOR:WieprechtSilke IWSETC:N IWSOPENACCESS:N IWSREVIEWED:N IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSTYPEEN:articles IWSTYPENR:1 IWSYEAR:2015]

Stefan Haun, Nils Rüther, Sandor Baranya, and Massimo Guerrero. Comparison of real time suspended sediment transport measurements in river environment by LISST instruments in stationary and moving operation mode. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, (41)1:10-17, 2015. [PUMA: IWSABT:lww IWSAUTHOR:HaunStefan IWSETC:N IWSOPENACCESS:N IWSREVIEWED:N IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSTYPEEN:articles IWSTYPENR:1 IWSYEAR:2015]