
Heather Morrison, Luan Borges, Xuan Zhao, Tanoh Laurent Kakou, and Amit Nataraj Shanbhoug. Open access article processing charges 2011 - 2021. Jun 24, 2021. [PUMA: access kosten article scholarly apc journal charges processing publishing open studie from:droessler] URL

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Afshin Sadeghi, Johannes Wilm, Philipp Mayr, and Christoph Lange. Opening Scholarly Communication in Social Sciences by Connecting Collaborative Authoring to Peer Review. CoRR, (abs/1703.04428)2017. [PUMA: systems fidus oscoss projekt access peer kollaboratives veröffentlichen open ojs dfg writer review literaturverwaltung wissenschaftliches gesis schreiben source journal from:droessler] URL