
Tobias Kulschewski, A. Lehmann, Sascha Rehm, and Jürgen Pleiss. Modelling of lipases in organic solvents. Poster session during European Symposium of the Protein Society, Stockholm, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 sfb716-c1 visus:kulschts visus:pleissjn visus:rehmsa]

Tobias Kulschewski, C.C. Gruber, and Jürgen Pleiss. Simulation of C.antarctica lipase B in hydrophobic environments: the critical role of water. Poster session during International conference Biotrans, Messina, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 sfb716-c1 visus:kulschts visus:pleissjn]

Jürgen Pleiss. Protein design in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. Curr.Opin.Biotech., (22)2011. [PUMA: 2011 sfb716 sfb716-c sfb716-c1 visus:pleissjn]

Michael Krone, Martin Falk, Sascha Rehm, Jürgen Pleiss, and Thomas Ertl. Interactive Exploration of Protein Cavities. Computer Graphics Forum, (30)32011. [PUMA: 2011 biovis sfb716-c1 sfb716-d4-ertl vis(us) vis-ertl vis-gis visus visus:ertl visus:falkmn visus:kroneml visus:pleissjn visus:rehmsa] URL