
Michael Krone, Sebastian Grottel, Guido Reina, Christoph Müller, and Thomas Ertl. 10 Years of MegaMol: The Pain and Gain of Creating Your Own Visualization Framework. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, (38)1:109--114, January 2018. [PUMA: sfb716-d3 sfb716-d4-ertl visus:reina myown visus:kroneml from:guidoreina vis:ertl visus:mueller] URL

M. Krone, S. Grottel, G. Reina, C. Müller, and T. Ertl. 10 Years of MegaMol: The Pain and Gain of Creating Your Own Visualization Framework. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, (38)1:109--114, January 2018. [PUMA: sfb716-d3 sfb716-d4-ertl visus:reina myown visus:kroneml from:guidoreina vis:ertl visus:mueller] URL