
Hans-Joachim Bieg, Simon Strobel, Matthias S. Fischer, and Paula Laßmann. Comparison of Video-based Driver Gaze Region Estimation Techniques. 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 382-389, June 2022. [PUMA: IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown] URL

Matthias Sebastian Fischer, Daniel Holder, and Thomas Maier. Are Brand Affiliation Tasks and Similarity Evaluations Comparable? An Examination Using the Example of the Vehicle Front. Advances in Industrial Design - Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Design for Inclusion, Affective and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engineering, 805-812, 2021. [PUMA: 2021 IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown] URL

Matthias Sebastian Fischer, Daniel Holder, and Thomas Maier. Analysis of Geometric Features of 3D Shapes on Perception of Product Appearance for Visual Brand Affiliation. In Nancy L. Black, W. Patrick Neumann, and Ian Noy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021), (Volume V: Methods & Approaches):31-38, 2021. [PUMA: 2021 IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown] URL

Robert Watty, Thomas Maier, Gerhard Reichert, and Christian Zimmermann. Zusammenarbeit von Ingenieuren und Designern – die neue VDI 2424 - Richtlinie. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021 : Stuttgart, 20. Mai 2021, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, 2021. [PUMA: 2021 IKTD TD Tagungsbeitrag]

Matthias Fischer, Stefan Weißer, and Thomas Maier. Untersuchung zu Betrachtungsmethode und salienten Formmerkmalen bei visuellen Ähnlichkeitsbewertungen. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2021 : Stuttgart, 20. Mai 2021, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, 2021. [PUMA: 2021 IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown]

Matthias Sebastian Fischer, Daniel Holder, and Thomas Maier. Brand Affiliation Through Curved and Angular Surfaces Using the Example of the Vehicle Front. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Volume 8: 32nd International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (DTM), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, August 2020. [PUMA: IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown] URL

Matthias Sebastian Fischer, Daniel Holder, Florian Reichelt, Franziska Kern, and Thomas Maier. Methode für markenübergreifendes Produktdesign am Beispiel eines Akkumoduls. Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X (DFX2020), 219-228, The Design Society, 2020. [PUMA: IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown] URL

Matthias Sebastian Fischer, Daniel Holder, and Thomas Maier. Evaluating Similarities in Visual Product Appearance for Brand Affiliation. In Springer (Eds.), AHFE 2019, Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design, 3-12, Springer, July 2019. [PUMA: 2019 IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitragsend:unibiblio]

M. S. Fischer, A. Hein, and T. Maier. Methodische Gestaltung eines ergonomischen Akkupack-Wechselkonzepts. Bericht zum 65. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, GfA-Press, Dortmund, 2019. [PUMA: 2019 IKTD TD TFD Tagungsbeitrag myown]