
Lukas Maier, Marc Scherle, Manuel Hopp-Hirschler, and Ulrich Nieken. Effective transport parameters of porous media from 2D microstructure images. In International Journal of Heat, and Mass Transfer (Eds.), International journal of heat and mass transfer, (175)August 2021. [PUMA: journal nieken hopp icvt scherle maier] URL

Manuel Hopp-Hirschler, and Ulrich Nieken. Modeling of pore formation in phase inversion processes: analysis of pore formation mechanism. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Dec 13, 2019. [PUMA: journal nieken hopp icvt] URL

Thorben Mager, Manuel Hopp, Urlich Nieken, and Philip Kunz. Prediction of Electrolyte Distribution in Technical Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Imaging to SPH Simulations. Symposium on Insights into Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications, 23.09.-25.09.2019, Magdeburg, 2019. [PUMA: mager hopp icvt vortrag] URL