
Hossein Zare, Tobias KD Weber, Joachim Ingwersen, Wolfgang Nowak, Sebastian Gayler, and Thilo Streck. Within-Season crop yield prediction by a multi-model ensemble with integrated data assimilation. Field Crops Research, (308)109293February 2024. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2024 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSTYPENR:1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles IWSMONTH:02]

M.T. Bui, V.V. Kuzovlev, Y.N. Zhenikov, L. Füreder, J. Seidel, and M. Schletterer. Water temperatures in the headwaters of the Volga River: Trend analyses, possible future changes, and implications for a pan‐European perspective. River Research and Applications, (34)6:495–505, Wiley, April 2018. [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:SeidelJochen IWSMONTH04: IWSTYPENR:1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSYEAR:2018 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles] URL

P. Wang, Z. Lu, and S. Xiao. Variance-based sensitivity analysis with the uncertainties of the input variables and their distribution parameters. Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, (47)4:1103-1125, 2018. [PUMA: 1 IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSAUTHOR:XiaoSinan IWSABT:ls3 IWSYEAR:2018 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Christoph Dibak, Wolfgang Nowak, Frank Dürr, and Kurt Rothermel. Using Surrogate Models and Data Assimilation for Efficient Mobile Simulations. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, (22)3:1856-1866, 2023. [PUMA: IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSYEAR:2023 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSMONTH:07 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

S. Oladyshkin, S. Skachkov, I. Panfilova, and M. Panfilov. Upscaling fractured media and streamline HT-splitting in compositional reservoir simulation. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, (62)2:137-146, 2007. [PUMA: 1 IWSMONTH:12 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSABT:ls3 IWSYEAR:2007 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Kai Cheng, Zhenzhou Lu, Sinan Xiao, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. Unified Bayesian inference framework for surrogate modelling: connection between existing techniques and their common fundamentals. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021 (submitted). [PUMA: IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2021 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSAUTHOR:XiaoSinan IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

M. Troldborg, W. Nowak, N. Tuxen, P. L. Bjerg, R. Helmig, and P. J. Binning. Uncertainty evaluation of mass discharge estimates from a contaminated site using a fully Bayesian framework. Water Resources Research, (46)12Wiley Online Library, 2010. [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2010 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

O. A. Cirpka, C. M. Bürger, W. Nowak, and M. Finkel. Uncertainty and data worth analysis for the hydraulic design of funnel-and-gate systems in heterogeneous aquifers. Water Resources Research, (40)W115022004. [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles IWSYEAR:2004]

Kata Kurgyis, Peter Achtziger-Zupančič, Merle Bjorge, Marc S. Boxberg, Matteo Broggi, Jörg Buchwald, Oliver G. Ernst, Judith Flügge, Andrey Ganopolski, Thomas Graf, Philipp Kortenbruck, Julia Kowalski, Phillip Kreye, Peter Kukla, Sibylle Mayr, Shorash Miro, Thomas Nael, Wolfgang Nowak, Sergey Oladyshkin, Alexander Renz, Julia Rienäcker-Burschil, Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig, Oliver Sträter, Jan Thiedau, Florian Wagner, Florian Wellman, Marc Wengler, Jenset Wolf, and Wolfram Rühaak. Uncertainties and robustness with regard to the safety of a repository for high-level radioactive waste: Introduction of a research initiative. Environmental Earth Sciences, (83)2January 2024. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2024 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:01 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Sebastian Schwindt, Lisa Meisinger, Beatriz Negreiros, and Tim Schneider, and Wolfgang Nowak. Transfer learning achieves high recall for object classification in fluvial environments with limited data. Geomorphology, (455):109185, April 2024. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2024 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSAUTHOR:MeisingerLisa IWSTYPENR:1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSMONTH:04 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles IWSAUTHOR:SchwindtSebastian]

S. Most, D. Bolster, B. Bijeljic, and W. Nowak. Trajectories as training images to simulate advective-diffusive, non-Fickian transport. Water Resources Research, (55):3465-3480, 2019. [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSAUTHOR:MostSebastian IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSYEAR:2019 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Amin Ebrahim Bakhshipour, Ulrich Dittmer, Ali Haghighi, and Wolfgang Nowak. Towards sustainable urban drainage infrastructures planning: a combined multiobjective optimization and multicriteria decision-making platform. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, (147)82021. [PUMA: IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2020 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Sim'on Moreno-Leiva, Gustavo D'iaz-Ferrán, Jannik Haas, Thomas Telsnig, Felipe A. D'iaz-Alvarado, Rodrigo Palma-Behnke, Willy Kracht, Roberto Román, Dimitrij Chudinzow, and Ludger Eltrop. Towards solar power supply for copper production in Chile: Assessment of global warming potential using a life-cycle approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, (164):242--249, October 2017. [PUMA: 1 IWSMONTH:10 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSAUTHOR:HaasJannik IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSABT:ls3 IWSAUTHOR:Moreno-LeivaSimon IWSYEAR:2017 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles] URL

T. Wöhling, A. Geiges, W. Nowak, and S. Gayler. Towards optimizing experiments for maximum-confidence model selection between different soil-plant models. Procedia Environmental Sciences, (19):514-523, 2013. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2013 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

P. Leube, F. P. J. de Barros, W. Nowak, and R. Rajagopal. Towards optimal allocation of computer resources: trade-offs between uncertainty quantification,discretization and model reduction. Environmental Software and Modelling, (50):97-107, 2013. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2013 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen from:jannikhaas IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Teng Xu, Sinan Xiao, Sebastian Reuschen, Nils Wildt, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, and Wolfgang Nowak. Towards a community-wide effort for benchmarking in subsurface hydrological inversion: benchmarking cases, high-fidelity reference solutions, procedure and a first comparison. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2024 (submitted). [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:WildtNils IWSYEAR:2024 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPENR:1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSAUTHOR:ReuschenSebastian IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Karl-Kiên Cao, Thomas Pregger, Jannik Haas, and Hendrik Lens. To Prevent or Promote Grid Expansion? Analyzing the Future Role of Power Transmission in the European Energy System. Frontiers in Energy Research, (8)February 2021. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2021 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSMONTH:2 IWSAUTHOR:HaasJannik IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles] URL

Kai Cheng, and Zhenzhou Lu. Time-variant reliability analysis based on high dimensional model representation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, (188):310-319, August 2019. [PUMA: IWSAUTHOR:ChengKai IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSYEAR:2019 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSMONTH:8 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

A. Bárdossy, J. Seidel, and A. El Hachem. The use of personal weather station observations to improve precipitation estimation and interpolation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, (25)2:583--601, February 2021. [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:BardossyAndras IWSAUTHOR:ElHachemAbbas IWSAUTHOR:SeidelJochen IWSYEAR:2021 IWSTYPENR:1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles IWSMONTH:02] URL

Paul-Christian Bürkner, Ilja Kröker, Sergey Oladyshkin, and Wolfgang Nowak. The sparse Polynomial Chaos expansion: a fully Bayesian approach with joint priors on the coefficients and global selection of terms. Journal of Computational Physics, 112210, 2023. [PUMA: 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSYEAR:2023 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSAUTHOR:KroekerIlja IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSMONTH:05 IWSTYPEEN:articles]