
Yoga Anindito, Jannik Haas, Marcelo Alberto Olivares, Jordan Kern, and Wolfgang Nowak. A new solution to mitigate hydropeaking? Batteries versus re-regulation reservoirs. Journal of Cleaner Production, (210):477-489, February 2019. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:2 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSYEAR:2019 IWSSUBTYPE:article 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSAUTHOR:HaasJannik IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Salgado. J., S. Oladyshkin, E. Osmancevic, and F. Janotte. Kalibrierung von Rechennetzmodellen anhand probabilistischer Bayes‘scher Verfahren. DWGV energie wasser-praxis, (2):16-21, 2019. [PUMA: IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSMONTH:2 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSYEAR:2019 IWSSUBTYPE:article 1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Julián Ortiz, Willy Kracht, Giovanni Pamparana, and Jannik Haas. Optimization of a SAG mill energy system: integrating rock hardness, solar irradiation, climate change and demand side management. Mathematical Geosciences, July 2019. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:2 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSYEAR:2019 IWSSUBTYPE:article 1 from:jannikhaasac by:LS3 IWSAUTHOR:HaasJannik IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Karl-Kiên Cao, Thomas Pregger, Jannik Haas, and Hendrik Lens. To Prevent or Promote Grid Expansion? Analyzing the Future Role of Power Transmission in the European Energy System. Frontiers in Energy Research, (8)February 2021. [PUMA: 1 IWSYEAR:2021 IWSMONTH:2 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSAUTHOR:HaasJannik IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles] URL