
J. Koch, W. Nowak, F. P. J. de Barros, and M. Dentz. Three-dimensional Scalar Mixing in Porous Media - Flow Heterogeneity and Mixing Enhancement. General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-12189, 2012, Vienna, Austria, April 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:4 IWSTYPEEN:contribution_to_edited_volumes IWSYEAR:2012 IWSTYPEDE:Konferenzbeiträge IWSTYPENR:3 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas 2 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSSUBTYPE:inproceedings 3 IWSABT:ls3]

S. Oladyshkin, and M. Panfilov. Open thermodynamic model for compressible multicomponent two-phase flow in porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, (81):41-48, Elsevier, 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2012 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas IWSSUBTYPE:article 1 IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

Michael Sinsbeck. Adaptive grid refinement for two phase flow in porous media. Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, Universität Stuttgart. Diploma Thesis. 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2012 IWSTYPEDE:studentische_Arbeit from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas IWSSUBTYPE:mastersthesis 4 IWSAUTHOR:SinsbeckMichael IWSTYPEEN:supervised_student_assignments IWSTYPENR:11 IWSABT:ls3]

O. A. Cirpka, M. Rolle, G. Chiogna, F. P. J. de Barros, and W. Nowak. Stochastic Evaluation of Mixing-Controlled Steady-State Plume Lengths in Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Domains. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, (138-139):22-39, 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2012 IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas IWSSUBTYPE:article 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

R. Enzenhöfer, A. Rodriguez-Pretelin, and W. Nowak. Transient flow conditions in probabilistic wellhead protection: importance and ways to manage spatial and temporal uncertainty in capture zone delineation. Fall Meeting 2012, Abstract: H33I-1443, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPEEN:contribution_to_edited_volumes IWSYEAR:2012 IWSTYPEDE:Konferenzbeiträge IWSAUTHOR:Rodriguez-PretelinAbelardo IWSTYPENR:3 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas 2 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSSUBTYPE:inproceedings 3 IWSABT:ls3]

S. Oladyshkin, and W. Nowak. Data-driven uncertainty quantification using the arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, (106):179-190, 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2012 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas IWSSUBTYPE:article 1 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSTYPEEN:articles]

L. Walter, P. J. Binning, S. Oladyshkin, B. Flemisch, and H. Class. Modeling concepts to address risk of brine infiltration into shallow groundwater resources. Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, June 2012. [PUMA: IWSTYPEEN:contribution_to_edited_volumes IWSYEAR:2012 IWSTYPEDE:Konferenzbeiträge IWSMONTH:6 IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:3 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas 2 IWSSUBTYPE:inproceedings IWSABT:ls3]

S. Oladyshkin, and W. Nowak. Analyzing the expansion order for polynomial chaos expansions in the light of imprecise information on statistical input distributions. Boulder, CO, USA, December 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSTYPEEN:contribution_to_edited_volumes IWSYEAR:2012 IWSTYPEDE:Konferenzbeiträge IWSAUTHOR:OladyshkinSergey IWSTYPENR:3 from:timothypraditia from:jannikhaas 2 IWSAUTHOR:NowakWolfgang IWSSUBTYPE:inproceedings IWSABT:ls3]

Raimund Bürger, Ilja Kröker, and Christian Rohde. A hybrid stochastic Galerkin method for uncertainty quantification applied to a conservation law modelling a clarifier-thickener unit. ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., (94)10:793-817, 2014. [PUMA: 1 IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2012 IWSAUTHOR:KroekerIlja IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles] URL

Ilja Kröker, and Christian Rohde. Finite volume schemes for hyperbolic balance laws with multiplicative noise. Appl. Numer. Math., (62)4:441--456, 2012. [PUMA: IWSMONTH:12 IWSYEAR:2012 IWSAUTHOR:KroekerIlja IWSTYPENR:1 from:timothypraditia IWSTYPEDE:Publikationen IWSABT:ls3 IWSSUBTYPE:article IWSTYPEEN:articles] URL