
Rebekka Schlatter, Kathrin Schmich, Ima Avalos Vizcarra, Peter Scheurich, Thomas Sauter, Christoph Borner, Michael Ederer, Irmgard Merfort, and Oliver Sawodny. ON/OFF and Beyond - A Boolean Model of Apoptosis. PLoS Computational Biology, (5)12:e1000595, December 2009. [PUMA: Apoptosis ISYS Sysbio]

M. Weickgenannt, Z. Kapelan, M. Blokker, D. A. Savic, and O. Sawodny. Optimization of Sensor Locations for Contaminant Detection in Water Distribution Networks. IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 2160--2165, Yokohama, Japan, 2010. [PUMA: ISYS]

O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, and A. Bulach. Mechatronical designed Control of Fire-Rescue Turntable-Ladders as flexible Link Robots. IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. [PUMA: ISYS Magirus]

T. Hausotte, G. Jäger, E. Manske, and O. Sawodny. Control System of a Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine. Actuator, 2004. [PUMA: Friction ISYS Measurement Nano]