
Frauke Faure, Christian Hagenlocher, Artur Leis, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, and Corrado Bassi. Local Hardness Recovery in the Heat-Affected Zone of Laser Beam Weld Seams in AlMgSi-Alloys with an In-Process Laser Post-heat Treatment. Proceedings of the 40th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2021), (303)Laser Institute of America, October 2021. [PUMA: post-heat from:fraukefaure myown aluminum laser treatment]

Florian Fetzer, Christian Hagenlocher, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Benefits of High-Speed Welding with 16 kW Lasers. 2018. [PUMA: myown aluminum high_power laser from:florianfetzer laserwelding processdevelopment]

Daniel Holder, Matthias Buser, Artur Leis, Steffen Boley, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. High-precision laser ablation using OCT closed-loop control. Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM), (XXV)1126710:1-10, March 2020. [PUMA: steel myown ablation aluminum from:danielholder oct cfrp]

Jonas Wagner, Christian Hagenlocher, Marc Hummel, Alexander Olowinsky, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Synchrotron X-ray Analysis of the Influence of the Magnesium Content on the Absorptance during Full-Penetration Laser Welding of Aluminum. Metals, (11)5:797, MDPI, May 2021. [PUMA: beam myown welding synchrotron aluminum laser peer from:jonaswagner X-ray alloys] URL

Jonas Wagner, Christian Hagenlocher, Marc Hummel, Alexander Olowinsky, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. High-speed synchrotron X-ray investigation of full penetration welding of aluminum sheets. Proceedings of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021, 2021. [PUMA: beam myown welding synchrotron aluminum laser from:jonaswagner full-penetration]