
Manuel Henn, Christian Hagenlocher, Daniel Holder, Daniel J. Förster, Rudolf Weber, Dennis Haasler, Marc Hummel, Alexander Olowinsky, Felix Beckmann, Julian Moosmann, and Thomas Graf. The progress of microhole formation during laser percussion drilling of steel observed by highspeed synchrotron x-ray imaging. 2023. [PUMA: myown ablation diagnostics x-ray micromaterialprocessing nondestructive ultrashortpulse stainlesssteel drilling processmonitoring] URL

Manuel Henn, Lukas Schneller, Daniel Holder, Dennis Haasler, Marc Hummel, Felix Beckmann, Julian Moosmann, Christian Hagenlocher, and Thomas Graf. Unveiling laser percussion drilling in metals with ultrashort pulses: insights from high-speed synchrotron x-ray imaging on microhole formation and side channel phenomena. In Rainer Kling, Wilhelm Pfleging, and Koji Sugioka (Eds.), 2024. [PUMA: myown ablation x-ray ultrashort nondestructive drilling diagnostics micromaterialprocessing pulse stainlesssteel processmonitoring] URL

Johannes Wahl, Christian Frey, Michael Sawannia, Simon Olschok, Rudolf Weber, Christian Hagenlocher, Andreas Michalowski, and Thomas Graf. Measurement of the influence of the vapor plume on laser beam characteristics during laser beam welding. 2023. [PUMA: YbYag myown Diagnostics Welding BeamCharacterisation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing ProcessDevelopement]

Johannes Wahl, Christian Frey, Michael Sawannia, Simon Olschok, Rudolf Weber, Christian Hagenlocher, Andreas Michalowski, and Thomas Graf. Measurement of the influence of the vapor plume on laser beam characteristics during laser beam welding. Fundamentals and Process Simulation, 2023. [PUMA: YbYag myown Diagnostics Welding BeamCharacterisation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing ProcessDevelopement]

Johannes Wahl, Christian Frey, John Powell, Felix Zaiß, Michael Haas, Simon Olschok, Christian Hagenlocher, Uwe Reisgen, and Thomas Graf. Characterizing the effect of the vapor plume on laser beam characteristics during laser beam welding. 2024. [PUMA: YbYag myown Diagnostics Welding BeamCharacterisation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing ProcessDevelopement]

Johannes Wahl, Christian Frey, John Powell, Felix Zaiß, Michael Haas, Simon Olschok, Christian Hagenlocher, Uwe Reisgen, and Thomas Graf. Characterizing the effect of the vapor plume on laser beam characteristics during laser beam welding. In Stefan Kaierle, and Klaus R. Kleine (Eds.), High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems XIII, (12878)SPIE, March 2024. [PUMA: YbYag myown Diagnostics Welding BeamCharacterisation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing ProcessDevelopement] URL

David Traunecker, Michael Haas, Michael Jarwitz, and Thomas Graf. Detection of pores during laser beam welding of AlMg3 using the temperature field. 2022. [PUMA: YbYAG myown Diagnostics Welding ProcessMonitoring Simulation Laser X-ray]

David Traunecker, Michael Jarwitz, Thomas Graf, and Andreas Michalowski. In-process determination of the local hardness during laser beam welding of steel. 2023. [PUMA: steel hardening myown ybyag welding diagnostics laser processmonitoring pyrometer]

David Traunecker, Michael Jarwitz, Andreas Michalowski, and Thomas Graf. Online determination of the local hardness during laser beam welding of steel. 2023. [PUMA: steel hardening myown ybyag welding diagnostics laser processmonitoring pyrometer]

Manuel Henn, Christian Hagenlocher, Daniel Holder, Daniel J. Förster, Rudolf Weber, Dennis Haasler, Marc Hummel, Alexander Olowinsky, Felix Beckmann, Julian Moosmann, and Thomas Graf. The progress of microhole formation during laser percussion drilling of steel observed by highspeed synchrotron x-ray imaging. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023, 2023. [PUMA: myown ablation x-ray nondestructive ultrashortpulse drilling diagnostics micromaterialprocessing stainlesssteel processmonitoring] URL

Manuel Henn, Lukas Schneller, Daniel Holder, Dennis Haasler, Marc Hummel, Felix Beckmann, Julian Moosmann, Christian Hagenlocher, and Thomas Graf. Unveiling laser percussion drilling in metals with ultrashort pulses: insights from high-speed synchrotron x-ray imaging on microhole formation and side channel phenomena. In Rainer Kling, Wilhelm Pfleging, and Koji Sugioka (Eds.), Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XVIII, (12873)1287309-1SPIE, March 2024. [PUMA: Drilling myown Diagnostics Ablation MicroMaterialProcessing ProcessMonitoring StainlessSteel UltrashortPulse NonDestructive X-ray] URL

David Traunecker, Michael Haas, Michael Jarwitz, and Thomas Graf. Detection of pores during laser beam welding of AlMg3 using the temperature field. 2022. [PUMA: YbYAG myown Diagnostics Welding ProcessMonitoring Simulation Laser X-ray from:dtraunecker Aluminium]

Michael Jarwitz. The role of emissivity in quotient pyrometry. 2020. [PUMA: myown Pyrometer Diagnostics from:michaeljarwitz]

Martin Stubenvoll. Messung und Kompensation thermisch induzierter Wellenfrontdeformationen in optischen Elementen. In Thomas Graf (Eds.), Laser in der Materialbearbeitung - Forschungsberichte des IFSW, 118, utzverlag, 2019. [PUMA: Diagnostics Laser OpticalElements from:pascalweinert myown]

Michael Jarwitz, Jens Johannsen, Peter Stritt, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Heat transfer and heat conduction during laser welding of Ni-sheets to Ni-foam. Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, 2015. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Welding Laser MacroMaterialProcessing from:peterberger]

Daniel Weller, Peter Stritt, Christian Hagenlocher, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, Jörg Simon, Cyrille Bezençon, and C. Bassi. Hot Crack formation when welding aluminum alloys at close-edge position with remote technology. Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, 2015. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Welding Laser MacroMaterialProcessing from:peterberger]

Oliver Bocksrocker, Peter Berger, T. Hesse, Meiko Boley, and Thomas Graf. Measurement of the laser cut front geometry. Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, 2015. [PUMA: Diagnostics Laser Cutting from:peterberger]

Peter Berger, Andreas Heider, Meiko Boley, and Daniel Förster. Capillary geometries during welding of metals observed with X-ray technique and calculated using a ray-tracing tool and a finite volume program treating heat diffusion and fluid flow. Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, 2015. [PUMA: Diagnostics Welding Laser from:peterberger]

Jan-Philipp Weberpals, Philipp Krueger, Peter Berger, and Thomas Graf. Understanding the Influence of the Focal Position in Laser Welding on Spatter Reduction. Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2011), Paper 308, Laser Institute of America, Orlando, FL, October 2011. [PUMA: Cutting Diagnostics Laser LaserMatterInteraction Welding from:peterberger] URL

Michael Jarwitz, Volker Rominger, and Andreas Heider. Metal vapour influence on laser welding. Phsics Procedia, (41)Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 2013. [PUMA: Diagnostics Welding Laser from:peterberger]