
Felix Abt, Meiko Boley, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf, G. Popko, and S. Nau. Novel X-ray system for in-situ diagnostics of laser based processes : First experimental results. Phsics Procedia, (12, Part A):761ff, Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 2011. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Welding Laser EnergyCoupling MacroMaterialProcessing Cutting from:peterberger]

I. Aichele. Aufbau und Erprobung eines Multidetektorsystems zur Prozesskontrolle beim Laserstrahlschweißen. IFSW05-03July 2004. [PUMA: Studienarbeit Diagnostics Welding Laser from:florianfetzer ProcessDevelopment Deininger,Christoph]

T. Baier. Untersuchung verschiedener Ansätze zur OnlineProzessüberwachung beim Remote-Laserstrahlschweißen. IFSW08-09May 2008. [PUMA: Studienarbeit Diagnostics Welding Laser Abt,Felix from:florianfetzer ProcessDevelopment]

I. Berger. Effiziente Messmittelfähigkeitsuntersuchung von Laserleistungs- Messgeräten mittels statistischer Versuchsmethodik. IFSW07-19July 2007. [PUMA: Studienarbeit Diagnostics Laser Abt,Felix from:florianfetzer ProcessDevelopment]

Peter Berger, Andreas Heider, Meiko Boley, and Daniel Förster. Capillary geometries during welding of metals observed with X-ray technique and calculated using a ray-tracing tool and a finite volume program treating heat diffusion and fluid flow. Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, 2015. [PUMA: Diagnostics Welding Laser from:peterberger]

Peter Berger, Helmut Hügel, and Thomas Graf. Understanding Pore Formation in Laser Beam Welding. Phsics Procedia, (12, Part A):0, Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 2011. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Welding Simulation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing Modeling from:peterberger]

Peter Berger, Helmut Hügel, and Thomas Graf. Understanding Pore Formation in Laser Beam Welding. Phsics Procedia, (12, Part A)Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 2011. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Welding Simulation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing Modeling from:peterberger]

Peter Berger, Helmut Hügel, Axel Heß, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Understanding of Humping Based on Conservation of Volume Flow. Phsics Procedia, (12, Part A)Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 2011. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Welding Simulation Laser MacroMaterialProcessing Modeling from:peterberger]

Oliver Bocksrocker, Peter Berger, T. Hesse, Meiko Boley, and Thomas Graf. Measurement of the laser cut front geometry. Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, 2015. [PUMA: Diagnostics Laser Cutting from:peterberger]

Meiko Boley, Felix Abt, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. X-Ray and Optical Videography for 3D Measurement of Capillary and Melt Pool Geometry in Laser Welding. Phsics Procedia, (41)Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 2013. [PUMA: Diagnostics Welding Laser from:peterberger]

Meiko Boley, Florian Fetzer, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Statistical evaluation method to determine the laser welding depth by optical coherence tomography. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, (119):56--64, Elsevier, 2019. [PUMA: myown welding diagnostics laser peer from:florianfetzer OCT processdevelopment]

Meiko Boley, Florian Fetzer, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. High-speed x-ray imaging system for the investigation of laser welding processes. Journal of Laser Applications, (31)4:042004, Laser Institute of America, 2019. [PUMA: diagnostics laser x-ray from:florianfetzer laserwelding]

Michael Brandner, Gabi Seibold, Matthias Haag, Friedrich Dausinger, and Helmut Hügel. Effektive Umsetzung der spezifischen Strahleigenschaften von Hochleistungsdiodenlasern (HLDL) zur Materialbearbeitung. LaserOpto, (31)1:71, 1999. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Laser from:peterberger BeamPropagation]

Detlef Breitling, Henrik Schittenhelm, Peter Berger, Friedrich Dausinger, and Helmut Hügel. Shadowgraphic and interferometric investigations on Nd:YAG laser-induced vapor/plasma plumes for different processing wavelengths. Applied Physics, A 69 [Suppl]:505, 1999. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Simulation Laser Modelling from:peterberger]

Gert Callies, Peter Berger, and Helmut Hügel. Time-resolved observation of gas-dynamic discontinuities arising during excimer laser ablation and their interpretation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (28):794, 1995. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Laser Ablation from:peterberger]

F. Carrasco. Adaptives Diagnosesystem für Topographiemessungen von Schweißnähten. IFSW07-05March 2007. [PUMA: Design Diagnostics Laser from:florianfetzer Berger,Peter Diplomarbeit]

Friedrich Dausinger. Laser-Materialbearbeitung: kostengünstiger durch Steigerung des Einkoppelgrads. Laser und Optoelektronik, (27)2:54-63, 1995. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Laser from:peterberger]

Friedrich Dausinger. Einkopplung beim Schneiden mit Lasern unterschiedlicher Wellenlänge. Laser und Optoelektronik, (25)2:47-55, 1993. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Laser from:peterberger]

Friedrich Dausinger, Markus Beck, Jae H. Lee, Eckhard Meiners, Thomas Rudlaff, and Jialin Shen. Energy Coupling in Surface Treatment Processes. Journal of Laser Applications, (2):17, 1990. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Laser from:peterberger]

Friedrich Dausinger, Thomas Rudlaff, and Jialin Shen. Einkopplung von CO-Laserstrahlen. Laser und Optoelektronik, (23)1:43, 1991. [PUMA: LaserMatterInteraction Diagnostics Laser from:peterberger]