
Süleyman Özkurt, Tobias Rath, Walter Fichter, Oliver Dieterich, Martijn Priems, Suzanne A. E. Nooij, und Henrich H. Bülthoff. From Helicopter Vibrations to Passenger Perceptions: A Closer Look on Standards. Proceedings of the 76th Annual Forum, Virtual, Oktober 2020. [PUMA: myown from:sleymanzkurt IFR vibrations;flight]

Süleyman Özkurt, Walter Fichter, Christian Fischer, und Heinrich Bülthoff. On the Impact of Flight Control Systems on Kinetosis of Helicopter Passengers. Proceedings of the 78th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Mai 2022. [PUMA: myown systems from:sleymanzkurt Kinetosis;Helicopter vibrations;Flight control] URL

Süleyman Özkurt, Walter Fichter, Christian Fischer, und Heinrich Bülthoff. On the Impact of Flight Control Systems on Kinetosis of Helicopter Passengers. 2022. [PUMA: systems from:sleymanzkurt Kinetosis;Helicopter vibrations;Flight control] URL