
Sascha Berger, Frank Baumann, Thomas Scheiring, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Organometallic complex cations [(hn-CnR'n)M(RN:CHCH:NR)Cl]+ of 1,4-diazabutadienes (M = Os and n = 6 or M = Rh, Ir and n = 5, R = 2,6-dialkylphenyl). Structures and reduction to neutral compounds [(hn-CnR'n)M(RNCH:CHNR)]. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (627)4:620--630, 2001. [PUMA: azabutadiene complex complex;diazabutadiene complex;redn complex;redox complex;rhodium crystal diazabutadiene diisopropylphenyl iridium mol osmium potential prepn redox redox;crystal redox;mol structure structure;iridium]

Michael Moscherosch, and Wolfgang. Kaim. A first robust complex of tetradentate TCNQ. Evidence for two weakly coupled diruthenium(II,III) subsystems in symmetrical tetranuclear complexes (μ4-TCNX)[Ru(NH3)5]48+ (TCNX = TCNE, TCNQ). Inorganica Chimica Acta, (206)2:229--230, 1993. [PUMA: MO TCNQ complex complex;TCNE complex;frontier complex;magnetic complex;redox complex;spectra electronic moment potential ruthenium structure]

Barbara Olbrich-Deussner, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Electron-transfer-catalyzed carbonyl substitution. III. Synthesis and spectroscopy of mono- and binuclear cis-phosphinetetracarbonyltungsten(0) complexes of electron-poor pyridines. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (361)3:335--351, 1989. [PUMA: acylpyridine carbonyl catalysis complex deriv phosphine;cyanopyridine phosphine;electron phosphine;redn potential pyridine pyridine;tungsten substitution;isonicotinate transfer tungsten]

Thangavel Sathiya Kamatchi, Sudipta Mondal, Thomas Scherer, Martina Bubrin, Karuppannan Natarajan, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Near-Infrared-Absorbing Organometallic Diruthenium Complex Intermediates: Evidence for Bridging Anthrasemiquinone Formation and against Mixed Valency. Chemistry - A European Journal, (23)70:17810--17816, 2017. [PUMA: IR absorption complex complex;ruthenium crystal dioxidoanthraquinone potential prepn redox ruthenium structure]

Chrisoph Titze, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Polychlorinated biaryl heterocycles as potential ligands. Reactions between octachloro-1,10-phenanthroline and -2,2'-bipyridine with copper(I) and other metal ions. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, (51)7:981--988, 1996. [PUMA: attempted bipyridine chlorophenanthroline complex complex;ESR complex;phenanthroline complex;structure coordination copper perchloro potential potential;chlorophenanthroline potential;redn prepn prepn;crystal redn silver structure]

Paul S. Braterman, Jae Inh Song, Stephan Kohlmann, Conny Vogler, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Spectroelectrochemistry of aromatic ligands and their derivatives. III. Binuclear transition metal complexes of copper(I), molybdenum(0), and rhenium(I) with 2,2'-bipyrimidine. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (411)1-2:207--213, 1991. [PUMA: binuclear bipyrimidine carbonyl complex copper electronic electroredn;transition metal potential redn rhenium spectrum spectrum;molybdenum visible]

Biprajit Sarkar, Wolfgang Kaim, Thomas Schleid, Ingo Hartenbach, and Jan. Fiedler. 3,4-Bis(2-pyrazinyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine. A new multifunctional ligand and its syn,fac-configurated bis(tricarbonylchlororhenium) complex. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (629)7-8:1353--1357, 2003. [PUMA: carbonyl complex complex;rhenium crystal potential prepn prepn;redox pyrazinyltetrazine rhenium structure]

Mohd. Asif Ansari, Katharina Beyer, Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Kaim, and Goutam Kumar. Lahiri. Diruthenium Complexes of p-Benzoquinone-Imidazole Hybrid Ligands: Innocent or Noninnocent Behavior of the Quinone Moiety. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, (13)19:2947--2955, 2018. [PUMA: ESR complex complex;ruthenium crystal diarylbenzoquinonodiimidazole potential prepn redox ruthenium structure]

Heiko Hartmann, Wolfgang Kaim, Ingo Hartenbach, Thomas Schleid, Matthias Wanner, and Jan. Fiedler. A fully characterized complex ion with unreduced TCNQ as fourfold bridging ligand. [(m4-TCNQ)fac-Re(CO)3(bpy)4]4+. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, (40)15:2842--2844, 2001. [PUMA: bipyridyl carbonyl complex crystal cyanoquinodimethane fluorophosphate mol potential rhenium structure;redn synthesis]

Alexa Paretzki, Ralph Huebner, Shengfa Ye, Martina Bubrin, Sara Kaemper, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Electronic, charge and magnetic interactions in three-centre systems. Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices, (3)18:4801--4809, 2015. [PUMA: complex copper crystal magnetic moment;spectroelectrochem potential prepn redox semiquinone structure]

Priti Singh, Biprajit Sarkar, Monika Sieger, Mark Niemeyer, Jan Fiedler, Stanislav Zalis, and Wolfgang. Kaim. The Metal-NO Interaction in the Redox Systems [Cl5Os(NO)]n-, n = 1-3, and cis-[(bpy)2ClOs(NO)]2+/+: Calculations, Structural, Electrochemical, and Spectroscopic Results. Inorganic Chemistry, (45)12:4602--4609, 2006. [PUMA: acetonitrile bond chloro complex crystal electrochem electroredn interaction iridium lengthening;metal nitrosyl osmium potential ruthenium salt solvate spectroscopy;osmate structure structure;redox tetraphenylphosphonium]

Juergen Poppe, Michael Moscherosch, and Wolfgang. Kaim. An unusually weak intervalence transition in a very stable bis chelate analog of the ruthenium mixed-valent Creutz-Taube ion. UV/visible/near-IR and EPR spectroelectrochemistry of [(NH3)4Ru(m-bptz)Ru(NH3)4]n+ (bptz = 3,6-bis(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine; n = 3 - 5). Inorganic Chemistry, (32)12:2640--2643, 1993. [PUMA: ESR ammine complex complex;UV complex;redox complex;ruthenium electronic factor g potential pyridyl ruthenium spectrum structure tetrazine]

Amarendra Nath Maity, Brigitte Schwederski, and Wolfgang. Kaim. The redox pair (μ4-TCNE)[Fe(CO)2(C5H5)]44+/3+: Surprisingly small metal-ligand interaction and the first resolved EPR hyperfine structure (13C, 14N, 57Fe) of a tetranuclear complex with TCNE-. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, (8)7:600--602, 2005. [PUMA: MLCT band bridged charge complex complex;EPR complex;metal complex;redox complex;tetracyanoethylene coordinated coupling cyclopentadienyl cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl hyperfine interaction iron ligand nitrogen potential prepn spectrum tetracyanoethylene tetranuclear transfer]

Conny Vogler, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Mononuclear bis(triphenylphosphine)copper(I) complexes of bidiazines. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, (47)8:1057--1062, 1992. [PUMA: bidiazine bipyrazine bipyridazine bipyrimidine;redn charge complex complex;copper copper potential transfer]

Wolfgang Kaim, and Stephen. Kohlmann. Design and evaluation of conjugated bridging p systems. Molecular orbital characterization and electrochemical determination of the pentacarbonyltungsten binding site in two new ambidentate ligands. Inorganic Chemistry, (29)10:1898--1902, 1990. [PUMA: azopyridine bispyridyltetrazine bridging carbonyl complex complex;MO cyclic electron pi potential system;elec transfer tungsten voltammetry;conjugated]

Joerg Maurer, Michael Linseis, Biprajit Sarkar, Brigitte Schwederski, Mark Niemeyer, Wolfgang Kaim, Stanislav Zalis, Chris Anson, Manfred Zabel, and Rainer F. Winter. Ruthenium complexes with vinyl, styryl, and vinylpyrenyl ligands: A case of non-innocence in organometallic chemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (130)1:259--268, 2008. [PUMA: ESR carbonyl complex complex;crystal complex;mol complex;ruthenium conjugated conjugation effect electrooxidn;spectroelectrochem hexenyl oxidn phosphine pi potential prepn pyrenylethenyl pyridine ruthenium spectra structure styryl vinyl vinylruthenium]

Wolfgang Kaim, Stephan Kohlmann, Alistair J. Lees, and Mthembeni. Zulu. 2-Heteroatom-1,3-diazoles and quinoxaline as bridging p-acceptor ligands for Group VIB metal carbonyl fragments M(CO)5 (M = Cr, Mo, W). Synthesis, electrochemistry, absorption and emission spectroscopy. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (575):97--114, 1989. [PUMA: Group VIB carbonyl chalcogenadiazole chalcogenadiazole;selenadiazole chromium complex complex;Group complex;oxadiazole complex;quinoxaline complex;redn complex;thiadiazole complex;tungsten potential quinoxaline;molybdenum tungsten]

Mohd. Asif Ansari, Abhishek Mandal, Katharina Beyer, Alexa Paretzki, Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Kaim, and Goutam Kumar. Lahiri. Non-innocence and mixed valency in tri- and tetranuclear ruthenium complexes of a heteroquinone bridging ligand. Dalton Transactions, (46)44:15589--15598, 2017. [PUMA: complex complex;optimized complex;redox complex;ruthenium crystal frontier mol multinuclear orbital potential prepn ruthenium structure tetraazapentacenequinone]

Renate Gross, and Wolfgang. Kaim. p-Backbonding and stability of oxidation steps in tetracarbonyldicyclopentadienyl(m-pyrazine)dimanganese(I) complexes. Angewandte Chemie, (96)8:610--611, 1984. [PUMA: ESR backbonding complex complex;pi complex;redox complex;stability complex;voltammetry manganese potential pyrazine]

Sascha Berger, Thomas Scheiring, Jan Fiedler, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Coupling of organometallic reaction centers through the non-planar bridging ligand 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (630)13-14:2409--2417, 2004. [PUMA: binuclear bis complex complex;mol complex;redox complex;rhodium crystal half iridium mononuclear pentamethylcyclopentadienyl potential prepn pyridylpyrazine rhodium sandwich structure]