
S. Frey, S. Scheller, N. Karadimitriou, D. Lee, G. Reina, H. Steeb, and Ertl. T.. Visual analysis of two‐phase flow displacement processes in porous media. Computer Graphics Forum, (41):243-256, 2022. [PUMA: myown mib_ls2_sfb1313 mib mib_ls2 mib_ls2_steeb mib_ls2_sfb1313_b05]

P Schmidt, N Dutler, and H Steeb. Importance of fracture deformation throughout hydraulic testing under in situ conditions. Geophysical Journal International, (228)1:493-509, 2021. [PUMA: myown mib_ls2_sfb1313 mib mib_ls2 mib_ls2_steeb mib_ls2_geomint mib_ls2_sfb1313_b05]

Dongwon Lee, Matthias Ruf, Nikolaos Karadimitriou, Holger Steeb, Mary Manousidaki, Emmanouil A. Varouchakis, Stelios Tzortzakis, and Andreas Yiotis. Development of stochastically reconstructed 3D porous media micromodels using additive manufacturing: numerical and experimental validation. Scientific Reports, (14)1:9375, Apr 23, 2024. [PUMA: myown mib_ls2_sfb1313 mib_ls2 mib_ls2_sfb1313_B mib_ls2_sfb1313_B_B05 mib_ls2_steeb mib_ls2_pml mib_ls2_sfb1313_b05] URL

Patrick Kurzeja, and Holger Steeb. Acoustic waves in saturated porous media with gas bubbles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, (380)2237:20210370, 2022. [PUMA: mywon myownsend:unibibliosend:unibiblio mib_ls2_sfb1313 mib mib_ls2 mib_ls2_steeb mib_ls2_sfb1313_b05] URL

Matthias Ruf, Kianoosh Taghizadeh, and Holger Steeb. Multi-scale characterization of granular media by~in~situ~laboratory X-ray computed tomography. GAMM-Mitteilungen, e202200011, 2022. [PUMA: myown mib mib_ls2 mib_ls2_SFB1313 mib_ls2_STE969_13_1 mib_ls2_sfb1313_B mib_ls2_steeb mib_ls2_SPP1897 mib_ls2_sfb1313_b05]

Angelika Humbert, Veit Helm, Ole Zeising, Niklas Neckel, Robert Salzano, Giulio Esposito, Matthias Braun, Holger Steeb, Julia Sohn, Matthias Bohnen, Ralf Müller, and Martin Rückamp. Supraglacial lake drainage through gullies and fractures. Copernicus GmbH, March 2024. [PUMA: myown mib_ls2_sfb1313 mib mib_ls2 mib_ls2_sfb1313_b mib_ls2_steeb mib_ls2_sfb1313_b05] URL