
Markus Antoni, W Keller, und M Weigelt. Analyse von GRACE-Beobachtungen durch optimierte radiale Basisfunktionen (2). 2009. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni] URL

R Pail, M Hauk, A Purkhauser, P Visser, N Sneeuw, T van Dam, T Gruber, Q Chen, Wei Liu, Mohammad J. Tourian, J Engels, P Saemian, Ch Siemes, und R Haagmans. Studies on next-generation gravity missions for climate-relevant applications. 2017. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

Wei Liu, und N Sneeuw. Ocean tide alias spectrum estimation for satellite gravity missions. 2017. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

Markus Antoni, M Roth, und W Keller. Construction of directional wavelets on the sphere. Oktober 2014. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni] URL

J Cai, D Dong, N Sneeuw, und Y Yao. Converted total least squares method and Gauss-Helmert model with applications in coordinate transformations. 2018. [PUMA: imported from:anitavollmer talk]

L Yan, HH Farahani, und Nico Sneeuw. Water Level Analysis in Tibet using CryoSat-2. 2018. [PUMA: imported from:gisitpuma talk] URL

O Baur, M Kuhn, und W E Featherstone. Investigations on reliable secular ice-mass and sea-level changes from GRACE. 2008. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

J Cai. Bootstrap method and its application to the hypothesis testing in GPS mixed integer linear model. 2010. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

E Grafarend. The Marussi Legacy: the anholonomity problem, geodetic examples. 2009. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

M Weigelt, und R Schlesinger. Über den Einsatz eines Windschutzes bei gravimetrischen Messungen. 2010. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

E Grafarend. Intrinsic deformation analysis, synthesis of Earth deformation measures: surface Euler-Lagrange deformation tensors of first and second kind. 2009. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

O Baur, N Sneeuw, und J Cai. GOCE Realdatenauswertung unter Anwendung der Invariantendarstellung, Projekttreffen REAL-GOCE. 2009. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

B Devaraju, M J Tourian, N Sneeuw, und J Riegger. Inter-catchment correlation estimates from filtered GRACE monthly solutions. 2009. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

O Baur, und N Sneeuw. Assessing Greenland ice mass loss by means of point-mass modelling: methodology and results,. 2010. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

J Cai. Revisiting the search criteria for solving the mixed integer-real valued adjustment problem with GNSS carrier phase observations. 2011. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

J Cai. Biased and unbiased estimations in geodetic data analyses. 2011. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

J Riegger, und M Tourian. Characterization of water storage dynamics in arid areas by satellite gravimetry. 2012. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

P Visser, P Ditmar, J Encarnacao, M Murböck, T Gruber, T Van Dam, N Sneeuw, T Reubelt, A Anselmi, S Cesare, F Cossu, M Parisch, G Sechi, L Massotti, und M Aguirre. Scientific assessment of a next generation gravity mission. 2011. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

M Weigelt, T Van Dam, A Jäggi, L Prange, N Sneeuw, und W Keller. Large scale time variability from high-low SST -- filling the gap between GRACE and GFO. 2012. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]

B Devaraju, C Lorenz, M Tourian, und N Sneeuw. On the cyclo-stationarity of the time-variable Kaula rule. 2012. [PUMA: talk from:mantoni]