
Sanjib Kar, Biprajit Sarkar, Sandeep Ghumaan, Dipankar Roy, Francisco A. Urbanos, Jan Fiedler, Raghavan B. Sunoj, Reyes Jimenez-Aparicio, Wolfgang Kaim, und Goutam Kumar. Lahiri. A New Coordination Mode of the Photometric Reagent Glyoxalbis(2-hydroxyanil) (H2gbha): Bis-Bidentate Bridging by gbha2- in the Redox Series (μ-gbha)[Ru(acac)2]2n (n = -2, -1, 0, +1, +2), Including a Radical-Bridged Diruthenium(III) and a RuIII/RuIV Intermediate. Inorganic Chemistry, (44)24:8715--8722, 2005. [PUMA: ruthenium bisbidentate ESR gloxabishydroxyanil complex electrochem property redox bridging]