
Thorben Mager, Manuel Hopp-Hirschler, and Ulrich Nieken. Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics as a tool for modelling electrolyte distribution in Gas Diffusion Electrodes. InterPore 2021 (online), 31.05.-04.06.2021, 2021. [PUMA: hopp icvt mager poster]

Florian Bühner. Development of an online-method to measure nanoparticle agglomerate stability. European Aerosol Conference, 31.08. - 04.09.2020, Aachen, 2020. [PUMA: buehner icvt poster]

U. Afzal, N. Akbary, and J. Rudyk. Kombinationsverfahren zur Abgasbehandlung bei Verbrennungsanlagen zur Verfeuerung fester Brennstoffe. 6. Fachkolloquium Effiziente und Schadstoffarme Verbrennungstechnologien für Biomasse, 12.05.2015, Stuttgart, 2015. [PUMA: afzal icvt poster]

U. Afzal, D. Shala, and C. Merten. CFD simulation of the distribution of VOC emissions in the clean room. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppen MPH, WSUE, CFD, HTT, AuW, KRI, PMT, 06.03. - 09.03.2018, Bremen, 2018. [PUMA: afzal icvt merten poster]

Daniel Dobesch, Yoonhee Lee, Alex Muntean, Ute Tuttlies, Ulrich Nieken, and Guido Schmitz. Precious Metal Oxidation Processes on Pt/Pd Nanoparticles and Investigation of the Oxide Phase. Eleventh International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPOC), 29.10. - 31.10.2018, Brussels, Belgium, 2018. [PUMA: dobesch icvt muntean poster tuttlies]

B. Glöckler, C. Tellaeche, H. Dieter, G. Eigenberger, and U. Nieken. Propagating Endothermic Reaction Fronts and Reheating Concepts for Reverse-Flow Reformers. 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-19), 03.09.-06.09.2006, Potsdam, Germany, 2006. [PUMA: icvt poster]

F. Schönberger, and J. Kerres. Synthesis and Characterisation of Partially Fluorinated Statistical- and Block-Coionomers and their PBI Blend Membranes. Advances in Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Systems Conference, 18.02.-21,02.2007, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California USA, 2007. [PUMA: icvt kerres poster]

J. Kerres, M. Hein, F. Schönberger, J. Lee, D. Xing, H. Zhang, X. Zhu, V. Gogel, and L. Jörissen. Novel Arylene Fuel Cell Membranes. Advances in Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Systems Conference, 18.02.-21,02.2007, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California USA, 2007. [PUMA: icvt kerres poster]

B. Glöckler, C. Tellaeche, G. Eigenberger, and U. Nieken. Frontphänomene in adiabaten Festbettreaktoren – theoretische Analyse und praktische Anwendung zur energie-effizienten Führung endothermer Hochtemperatur-Synthesen. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, 16.-18. Oktober 2007, Aachen, 2007. [PUMA: icvt poster]

A. Chromik, J. Kerres, F. Schönberger, and K. Krajinovic. Arylene Ionomer Membrane Degradation Studies. International Workshop on Degradation Issues of Fuel Cells, 18.09.-21.09.2007, Kreta, Greece, 2007. [PUMA: icvt kerres poster]

A. Chromik, J. Kerres, and F. Schönberger. Partially fluorinated arylene polyethers and their ternary blends with PBI and H3PO4 Part I. First International CARISMA Konferenz 2008, 20.09.-24.09.2008, Montpellier, Frankreich, 2008. [PUMA: icvt kerres poster]

S. Dwenger, and U. Nieken. Permeability and pc-Sw relationship for gas diffusion layers of a PEMFC. 2008. [PUMA: icvt poster]

C. Spengler, and C. Merten. Simulation der zeitlichen und örtlichen Verteilung der Verdunstungsemissionen im Luftansaugsystem von Motoren. Jahrestreffen der Fachausschüsse Computational Fluid Dynamics und Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 08.03.–10.03.2010, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2010. [PUMA: icvt merten poster]

M. W. Tahir, and C. Merten. Effect of Geometrical Design Variations on Thermal Behavior of Lithium-ion Battery Cells. 2nd Technical Conference on Advanced Battery Technologies for Automobiles and Their Electric Power Grid Integration, 01.02.-02.02.2010, Mainz, Germany, 2010. [PUMA: icvt merten poster]

J. Laackmann, R. Sedelmayer, L. Cepelyte, K. Walag, W. Pauer, H.-U. Moritz, W. Säckel, F. Keller, and U. Nieken. Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of spray processes. PRE 2010 - 19th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, 10.10.-13.10.2010, Hamburg, Germany, 2010. [PUMA: icvt poster saeckel]

K. Hauff, U. Tuttlies, G. Eigenberger, and U. Nieken. Lässt sich das Umsatzverhalten von Oxidationskatalysatoren mit unterschiedlicher Edelmetallbeladung und / oder Alterung einfach vorhersagen?. ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik, 10.05.-12.05.2010 , Würzburg, Germany, 2010. [PUMA: hauff icvt poster tuttlies]

W. Säckel, F. Keller, and U. Nieken. Modeling of Spray Drying Processes Using Meshfree Simulation Methods. IDS 2010 - 17th International Drying Symposium, 03.10.-06.10.2010, Magdeburg, Germany, 2010. [PUMA: icvt poster saeckel]

F. Keller, and U. Nieken. Simulation der Morphologieausbildung von offenporigen Materialien. Process-Net Jahrenstagung 2010, 21.09.-23.09.2010, Aachen, Germany, 2010. [PUMA: icvt poster]

M. W. Tahir, C. Hellwig, C. Merten, and W. G. Bessler. A multi-scale thermal model of a high-power LiFePO4 Lithium-ion cell. 8th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modeling and Experimental Validation, 08.03.-09.03.2011, Bonn, Germany, 2011. [PUMA: icvt merten poster]

C. Seyb, and J. Kerres. Preparation and characterization of new sulfonated partially fluorinated polyarylenethioether and their blends with a polybenzimidazole. 15nd European Fuel Cell Forum, 28.06. - 1.07.2011, Luzern, Switzerland, 2011. [PUMA: icvt kerres poster]