
Shengfa Ye, Wolfgang Kaim, Biprajit Sarkar, Brigitte Schwederski, Falk Lissner, Thomas Schleid, Carole Duboc-Toia, and Jan. Fiedler. First crystal structure determination and high-frequency EPR study of an organoarsanecopper radical complex. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, (6)9:1196--1200, 2003. [PUMA: arsine complex complex;ESR complex;electrochem copper prepn pyridyltetrazine redox structure structure;crystal]

Markus Gloeckle, Klaus Huebler, Hans-Juergen Kuemmerer, Gert Denninger, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Dicopper(I) Complexes with Reduced States of 3,6-Bis(2'-pyrimidyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine: Crystal Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of the Free Ligand, a Radical Species, and a Complex of the 1,4-Dihydro Form. Inorganic Chemistry, (40)10:2263--2269, 2001. [PUMA: complex complex;ESR copper dinuclear prepn pyrimidyltetrazine structure structure;crystal]