
Frank Baumann, Andreas Stange, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Interaction of two equivalent electron transfer/atom transfer centers via 2,2'-bipyrimidine as bridging ligand. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, (1)8:305--308, 1998. [PUMA: atom bipyrimidine communication complex complex;electrochem complex;electron complex;electronic complex;mol complex;redox crystal cymene dinuclear electrochem mononuclear osmium structure transfer]

Martina Heilmann, Stephanie Frantz, Wolfgang Kaim, Jan Fiedler, and Carole. Duboc. Mixed-valent and radical states of complexes [(bpy)2M(m-abpy)M'(bpy)2]n+, M,M' = Ru or Os, abpy = 2,2'-azobispyridine: Electron transfer vs. hole transfer mechanism in azo ligand-bridged complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta, (359)3:821--829, 2006. [PUMA: EPR azobispyridine bridge complex complex;electron complex;hole complex;mixed cyclic electrochem heterobinuclear;osmium homobinuclear osmium prepn redox ruthenium spectroelectrochem;radical transfer valence voltammetry]