
V. Janjic, K. Hammond, M. Goli, J. McCall, K. Idrees, C. Glass, and M. A. Wafai. Bridging the Divide: A New Methodology for Semi-Automatic Programming of Heterogeneous Parallel Machines. High-Level Programming for Heterogeneous and Hierarchical Parallel Systems, January 2016. [PUMA: myown SCOPE Heterogeneous HLRS Parallel]

Nikola Tchipev, Amer Wafai, Colin W. Glass, Wolfgang Eckhardt, Alexander Heinecke, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, and Philipp Neumann. Optimized Force Calculation of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for the Intel Xeon Phi. In Jesper Larsson Träff, Sascha Hunold, and Francesco Versaci (Eds.), Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing, (9233)Vienna, Austria, August 2015. [PUMA: law myown HLRS distributed gather performance parallelization intel core phi site xeon third absolute processing interaction force operation short shared calculation memory SCOPE molecular range newton yellow cell optimization parallel scatter and colored dynamic linked]

Mhd. Amer Wafai, Colin W. Glass, and Christoph Niethammer. Portable Codes on New HPC Architectures. In Rainer Keller, David Kramer, and Jan-Philipp Weiß (Eds.), Facing the Multicore-Challenge III 2012, (7686):133-134, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, September 2012. [PUMA: Portable myown SCOPE HLRS Hardware Programming Parallel GPU HPC mown architecture]