
Kerstin Dressel, Cordula Kropp, Wiebke Pohler, Christian Zottl, and Stefan Böschen. Die partizipative Begleitung riskanter Entscheidungen als soziale Innovation. In Gerald Beck, and Cordula Kropp (Eds.), Gesellschaft innovativ – Wer sind die Akteure?, 315-330, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2011. [PUMA: innovation Sowi5CK partizipativ sozial entscheidungen begleitung riskant] URL

Codula Kropp, and Gerald Beck. How open is open innovation? User roles and barriers to implementation. In Rico Defila, Antonietta Di Giulio, and Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz (Eds.), The Nature of Sustainable Consumption and How to Achieve it. Results from the Focal Topic „From Knowledge to Action – New Paths towards Sustainable Consumption”, 309-322, Oekom, München, 2012. [PUMA: innovation Sowi5CK barriers implementation roles user open]

Cordula Kropp. Sustainability Transformation through Social Innovation in the Shadow of Hierarchy. In J.-Luis Klein, and M. Roy (Eds.), La transformation Sociale par l’Innovation Sociale. Conference Proceedings, 428-443, 2014. [PUMA: innovation Sowi5CK social hierarchy shadow sustainability transformation] URL

Cordula Kropp. Exnovation – Nachhaltige Innovation als Prozesse der Abschaffung. In Annika Arnold, Martin David, Gerolf Hanke, and Marco Sonnberger (Eds.), Innovation – Exnovation. Über Prozesse des Abschaffens und Erneuerns in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, 13-34, Metropolis, Marburg, 2015. [PUMA: innovation abschaffung Sowi5CK prozesse exnovation nachhaltig] URL

Gerald Beck, Cordula Kropp, and Dennis Odukoya. Open Innovation for Sustainable Futures. The Center for Sustainable Design (ed.): Sustainable Innovation 09: Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution. Towards sustainable product design. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference. 26. + 27. October, Farnham Castle, UK, 14-19, 2009. [PUMA: innovation Sowi5CK sustainable future open] URL