
Roger Burrows. Living with the H-Index? Metric Assemblages in the Contemporary Academy. The Sociological Review, (60)2:355-372, 2012. [PUMA: bibliometrie education factor großbritannien h-index higher impact jif journal journals metrics metriken publizieren uk wissenschaftliches zeitschriften] URL

Weishu Liu, and Yanchao Li. Open access publications in sciences and social sciences: A comparative analysis. Learned Publishing, (31)2:107-119, 2017. [PUMA: access bibliometrie factor impact jif journal open publizieren qualität wissenschaftliches zeitschriften] URL

Frieder M. Paulus, Nicole Cruz, and Sören Krach. The Impact Factor Fallacy. Frontiers in Psychology, (9)Frontiers Media SA, August 2018. [PUMA: factor impact irrtümer jif journal kritik publizieren wissenschaftliches zeitschriften] URL

SK Chua, Ahmad M Qureshi, Vijay Krishnan, Dinker R Pai, Laila B Kamal, Sharmilla Gunasegaran, MZ Afzal, Lahiru Ambawatta, JY Gan, PY Kew, Than Winn, and Suneet Sood. The impact factor of an open access journal does not contribute to an article's citations. F1000Research, (6):208, F1000 Research, Ltd., March 2017. [PUMA: access citation factor impact index journal open publizieren wissenschaftliches zeitschriften zitation] URL

SK Chua, Ahmad M Qureshi, Vijay Krishnan, Dinker R Pai, Laila B Kamal, Sharmilla Gunasegaran, MZ Afzal, Lahiru Ambawatta, JY Gan, PY Kew, Than Winn, and Suneet Sood. The impact factor of an open access journal does not contribute to an article's citations. F1000Research, (6):208, F1000 Research, Ltd., March 2017. [PUMA: access citation impact index wissenschaftliches journal zitation zeitschriften publizieren factor open from:droessler] URL