
Fakhri Momeni, Nicholas Fraser, Isabella Peters, and Philipp Mayr. From closed to open access: A case study of flipped journals. 2019. [PUMA: oa journal access ojs zeitschriften flipping open] URL

Fakhri Momeni, Nicholas Fraser, Isabella Peters, and Philipp Mayr. From closed to open access: A case study of flipped journals. 2019. [PUMA: oa journal access ojs zeitschriften flipping open from:droessler] URL

SK Chua, Ahmad M Qureshi, Vijay Krishnan, Dinker R Pai, Laila B Kamal, Sharmilla Gunasegaran, MZ Afzal, Lahiru Ambawatta, JY Gan, PY Kew, Than Winn, and Suneet Sood. The impact factor of an open access journal does not contribute to an article's citations. F1000Research, (6):208, F1000 Research, Ltd., March 2017. [PUMA: journal zitation access citation impact zeitschriften index publizieren factor open wissenschaftliches] URL

SK Chua, Ahmad M Qureshi, Vijay Krishnan, Dinker R Pai, Laila B Kamal, Sharmilla Gunasegaran, MZ Afzal, Lahiru Ambawatta, JY Gan, PY Kew, Than Winn, and Suneet Sood. The impact factor of an open access journal does not contribute to an article's citations. F1000Research, (6):208, F1000 Research, Ltd., March 2017. [PUMA: journal zitation access citation impact zeitschriften index publizieren factor open wissenschaftliches from:droessler] URL

Weishu Liu, and Yanchao Li. Open access publications in sciences and social sciences: A comparative analysis. Learned Publishing, (31)2:107-119, 2017. [PUMA: journal access impact bibliometrie jif zeitschriften publizieren factor open qualität wissenschaftliches] URL

Sabine Gehrlein, Alexandra Büttner, and Stefanie Clormann. Open Journal Systems im deutschsprachigen Raum. Ergebnisse der Umfrage bit online, (18)6:494-500, 2015. [PUMA: journal systems access software ojs zeitschriften source open]