
Florian Wenz, Oliver Maas, Matthias Arnold, Thorsten Lutz, and Ewald Krämer. Assessment of low-frequency aeroacoustic emissions of a wind turbine under rapidly changing wind conditions based on an aero-servo-elastic CFD simulation. Wind energy, (26)8:745-762, Wiley-VCH, 2023. [PUMA: f2023 gold oa oafonds transform ubs_10006 ubs_20010 ubs_30091 ubs_40136 unibibliografie wos]

Patrick Letzgus, Giorgia Guma, and Thorsten Lutz. Computational fluid dynamics studies on wind turbine interactions with the turbulent local flow field influenced by complex topography and thermal stratification. Wind energy science, (7)4:1551-1573, Copernicus Publications, 2022. [PUMA: f2023 gold oa oafonds ubs_10006 ubs_20010 ubs_30091 ubs_40136 unibibliografie wos]

Giorgia Guma, Philipp Bucher, Patrick Letzgus, Thorsten Lutz, and Roland Wüchner. High-fidelity aeroelastic analyses of wind turbines in complex terrain : fluid–structure interaction and aerodynamic modeling. Wind energy science, (7)4:1421-1439, Copernicus Publications, 2022. [PUMA: f2023 gold oa oafonds ubs_10006 ubs_20010 ubs_30091 ubs_40136 unibibliografie wos]