
Andrea Knöller, Tomce Runcevski, Robert E. Dinnebier, Joachim Bill, and Zaklina Burghard. Cuttlebone-like V2O5 Nanofibre Scaffolds - Advances in Structuring Cellular Solids. Scientific reports, (7):42951, Nature Publishing Group, 2017. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 oa ubs_20003 ubs_40052 oafonds wos f2017 uni]

Marie-Louise Lemloh, Klara Altintoprak, Christina Wege, Ingrid M. Weiß, and Dirk Rothenstein. Biogenic and Synthetic Peptides with Oppositely Charged Amino Acids as Binding Sites for Mineralization. Materials, (10)2:119, MDPI, 2017. [PUMA: ubs_20003 ubs_40052 ubs_40085 ubs_20006 ubs_40089 ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10004 ubs_10003 oa wos ubs_30060 mult]

Mario Simoes, Yuri Surace, Songhak Yoon, Corsin Battaglia, Simone Pokrant, and Anke Weidenkaff. Hydrothermal vanadium manganese oxides: Anode and cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of power sources, (291):66-74, Elsevier, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Marc Widenmeyer, Chen Peng, Aykut Baki, Wenjie Xie, Rainer Niewa, and Anke Weidenkaff. Approaching compositional limits of perovskite - type oxides and oxynitrides by synthesis of Mg0.25Ca0.65Y0.1Ti(O,N)3, Ca1-xYxZr(O,N)3 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4), and Sr1-xLaxZr(O,N)3 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4). Solid state sciences, (54):7-16, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos mult ubs_40045 ubs_30030]

Songhak Yoon, Jakob Bierwagen, Matthias Trottmann, Bernhard Walfort, Nando Gartmann, Anke Weidenkaff, Hans Hagemann, and Simone Pokrant. The influence of boric acid on improved persistent luminescence and thermal oxidation resistance of SrAl2O4:Eu2+. Journal of luminescence, (167):126-131, Elsevier, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Yuri Surace, Mario Simoes, Lassi Karvonen, Songhak Yoon, Simone Pokrant, and Anke Weidenkaff. Freeze drying synthesis of Li3MnO4 cathode material for Li-ion batteries: A physico-electrochemical study. Journal of alloys and compounds, (644):297-303, Elsevier, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Yuri Surace, Mario Simoes, Simone Pokrant, and Anke Weidenkaff. Capacity fading in Li3MnO4: A post-mortem analysis. Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, (766):44-51, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Giulia Santomauro, Wei-Lin Sun, Franz Brümmer, and Joachim Bill. Incorporation of zinc into the coccoliths of the microalga Emiliania huxleyi. Biometals, (29)2:225-234, Springer, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10004 ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 ubs_40085 ubs_20006 wos ubs_30060 mult]

Aleksey A. Yaremchenko, Sascha Populoh, Sonia G. Patricio, Javier Macias, Philipp Thiel, Duncan P. Fagg, Anke Weidenkaff, Jorge R. Frade, and Andrei V. Kovalevsky. Boosting Thermoelectric Performance by Controlled Defect Chemistry Engineering in Ta-Substituted Strontium Titanate. Chemistry of materials, (27)14:4995-5006, ACS, 2015. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Pouya Moghimian, Stefan Kilper, Vesna Srot, Dirk Rothenstein, Sandra J. Facey, Bernhard Hauer, Joachim Bill, and Peter A. van Aken. Phage-assisted assembly of organic inorganic hybrid bilayers. International journal of materials research, (107)4:295-299, Hanser, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 ubs_30037 wos mult]

Steve Landsmann, Yuri Surace, Matthias Trottmann, Stefan Dilger, Anke Weidenkaff, and Simone Pokrant. Controlled Design of Functional Nano-Coatings: Reduction of Loss Mechanisms in Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. ACS applied materials & interfaces, (8)19:12149-12157, American Chemical Society, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Joachim Bill, and Juliane Kränzl. Nachbericht zur Winter School des DFG-geförderten Schwerpunktprogramms 1569. International journal of materials research, (107)5:496-497, Hanser, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Ajay Vikram Singh, Timotheus Jahnke, Yang Xiao, Shuo Wang, Yan Yu, Hilda David, Gunther Richter, Peter Laux, Andreas Luch, Anchal Srivastava, Preeti S. Saxena, Joachim Bill, and Metin Sitti. Peptide-Induced Biomineralization of Tin Oxide (SnO2) Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Applications. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (19)9:5674-5686, American Scientific Publishers, 2019. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Nina J. Blumenstein, Caroline G. Hofmeister, Peter Lindemann, Cheng Huang, Johannes Baier, Andreas Leineweber, Stefan Walheim, Christof Wöll, Thomas Schimmel, and Joachim Bill. Chemical bath deposition of textured and compact zinc oxide thin films on vinyl-terminated polystyrene brushes. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, (7):102-110, Beilstein-Institut, 2016. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 oa ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos mult]

Stefan Kilper, Sandra J. Facey, Zaklina Burghard, Bernhard Hauer, Dirk Rothenstein, and Joachim Bill. Macroscopic Properties of Biomimetic Ceramics Are Governed by the Molecular Recognition at the Bioorganic-Inorganic Interface. Advanced Functional Materials, (28)10:1705842, Wiley, 2018. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_30187 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos mult ubs_40353]

Sahar Sheykhansari, Kristen Kozielski, Joachim Bill, Metin Sitti, Donato Gemmati, Paolo Zamboni, and Ajay Vikram Singh. Redox metals homeostasis in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a review. Cell Death & Disease, (9):348, Nature Publishing Group, 2018. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 oa ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Achim M. Diem, Bernhard Fenk, Joachim Bill, and Zaklina Burghard. Binder-free V2O5 Cathode for High Energy Density Rechargeable Aluminum-Ion Batteries. Nanomaterials, (10)2:247, MDPI, 2020. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 oa ubs_20003 ubs_40052 dfg f2020 oafonds mult]

Chih-Yang Huang, Chun-Wei Huang, Min-Ci Wu, Jagabandhu Patra, Thi Xuyen Nguyen, Mu-Tung Chang, Oliver Clemens, Jyh-Ming Ting, Ju Li, Jeng-Kuei Chang, and Wen-Wei Wu. Atomic-scale investigation of Lithiation/Delithiation mechanism in High-entropy spinel oxide with superior electrochemical performance. The chemical engineering journal, (420)Part 1:129838, Elsevier, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Leila Raafat, Bernd Wicklein, Günter Majer, Timotheus Jahnke, Achim M. Diem, Joachim Bill, and Zaklina Burghard. Shape-Conformable, Eco-Friendly Cellulose Aerogels as High-Performance Battery Separators. ACS applied energy materials, (4)1:763-774, ACS Publications, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]

Kerstin Wissel, Roland Schoch, Tobias Vogel, Manuel Donzelli, Galina Matveeva, Ute Kolb, Matthias Bauer, Peter R. Slater, and Oliver Clemens. Electrochemical Reduction and Oxidation of Ruddlesden-Popper-Type La2NiO3F2 within Fluoride-Ion Batteries. Chemistry of materials, (33)2:499-512, ACS Publications, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_30032 unibibliografie ubs_10003 ubs_20003 ubs_40052 wos]