
Hermann Rügner, Marc Schwientek, Barbara Beckingham, Bertram Kuch, and Peter Grathwohl. Integrated monitoring of transport of persistent organic pollutants in contrasting catchments. Environmental Pollution, (172):155-162, 2013. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Claudia Lange, Bertram Kuch, and Jörg W. Metzger. Determination of the Occurrence and Elimination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP). Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, (3)1:1-7, 2014. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40033]

Stephan Wasielewski, Eduard Rott, Ralf Minke, and Heidrun Steinmetz. Application of Natural Clinoptilolite for Ammonium Removal from Sludge Water. Molecules, (26)1:114, MDPI, 2021. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie oa ubs_10002 dfg ubs_30026 f2021 oafonds ubs_40034]

Timo Pittmann, Stephan Wasielewski, and Ralf Minke. Verfahren zur Entgiftung von Industrieabwasser unter tropischen Bedingungen. Wasser und Abfall, (16)11:16-22, Springer, 2014. [PUMA: ubs_20002 unibibliografie ubs_10002 sent ubs_30026 ubs_40034]

Md. Aynul Bari, Günter Baumbach, Johannes Brodbeck, Michael Struschka, Bertram Kuch, Werner Dreher, and Günter Scheffknecht. Characterisation of particulates and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wintertime wood-fired heating in residential areas. Atmospheric environment, (45)40:7627-7634, Elsevier, 2011. [PUMA: ubs_20002 ubs_30043 unibibliografie ubs_10004 ubs_10002 ubs_40070 liste ubs_30026 ubs_20004 mult ubs_40033]