
Subhas Samanta, Priti Singh, Jan Fiedler, Stanislav Zalis, Wolfgang Kaim, and Sreebrata. Goswami. Singlet Diradical Complexes of Ruthenium and Osmium: Geometrical and Electronic Structures and their Unexpected Changes on Oxidation. Inorganic Chemistry, (47)5:1625--1633, 2008. [PUMA: 8 ESR UV crystal diradical electrochem metal osmium oxidn phenylaminophenylazopyridine phenylaminophenylazopyridine;group prepn ruthenium singlet spectroelectrochem;phenylaminophenylazopyridine structure]

Subhas Samanta, Priti Singh, Jan Fiedler, Stanislav Zalis, Wolfgang Kaim, and Sreebrata. Goswami. Singlet Diradical Complexes of Ruthenium and Osmium: Geometrical and Electronic Structures and their Unexpected Changes on Oxidation. Inorganic Chemistry, (47)5:1625--1633, 2008. [PUMA: 8 ESR UV crystal diradical electrochem metal osmium oxidn phenylaminophenylazopyridine phenylaminophenylazopyridine;group prepn ruthenium singlet spectroelectrochem;phenylaminophenylazopyridine structure]