
Guido Reina, Patrick Gralka, and Thomas Ertl. A decade of particle-based scientific visualization. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, (227)14:1705--1723, 2019. [PUMA: sfb716-d3 visus:reina myown sfb716 vis(us) visus:gralkapk visus:ertl] URL

Patrick Gralka, Michael Becher, Matthias Braun, Florian Frieß, Christoph Müller, Tobias Rau, Karsten Schatz, Christoph Schulz, Michael Krone, Guido Reina, and Thomas Ertl. MegaMol -- a comprehensive prototyping framework for visualizations. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, (227)14:1817--1829, 2019. [PUMA: sfb716-d4-ertl myown visus:rauts visus:becherml sfb716 visus:ertl visus:mueller visus:schatzkn megamol sfb716-d3 sfb716-d4 visus:friessfn vis(us) visus:gralkapk visus:braunms visus:schulzch visus:reinago] URL

Sebastian Grottel, Michael Krone, Christoph Müller, Guido Reina, and Thomas Ertl. MegaMol – A Prototyping Framework for Particle-based Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (21)2IEEE, 2015. [PUMA: visus:reina sfb716-d4-ertl biovis visus:kroneml visus:grottel vvand sfb716 visus:ertl visus:mueller visus gigapixel sfb716-d3 vis-ertl vis-gis 2015 from:mueller vis(us)] URL

Sebastian Grottel, Michael Krone, Christoph Müller, Guido Reina, and Thomas Ertl. MegaMol – A Prototyping Framework for Particle-based Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (21)2IEEE, 2015. [PUMA: visus:reina sfb716-d4-ertl biovis visus:kroneml visus:grottel vvand sfb716 visus:ertl visus:mueller visus gigapixel sfb716-d3 vis-ertl vis-gis 2015 vis(us)] URL

Sebastian Grottel, Guido Reina, and Thomas Ertl. Optimized Data Transfer for Time-dependent, GPU-based Glyphs.. Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2009, 2009. [PUMA: visus:reina visus:grottel sfb716 visus:ertl visus sfb716-d3 2009 vis-ertl vis-gis vis(us)] URL