
Steffen Sonntag, Johannes Roth, Franz Gähler, and Hans-Rainer Trebin. Femtosecond laser ablation of aluminium. Sixth International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (6-ICPEPA), Sapporo, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b5 visus:gaehlefz visus:rothjs visus:sonntasn visus:trebinhr]

Steffen Sonntag, Johannes Roth, Franz Gähler, and Hans-Rainer Trebin. Femtosecond laser ablation of aluminium. Sixth International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (6-ICPEPA), Sapporo, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 visus:gaehlefz visus:rothjs vis(us) visus:sonntasn from:mueller sfb716-b5 visus:trebinhr]

Michael Engel, and Hans-Rainer Trebin. Structural complexity in monodisperse systems of isotropic particles. (2008)2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5 visus:trebinhr]

Johannes Roth. Restricted Square-Triangle Tilings. (2008)2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5 visus:rothjs]

Johannes Roth. Quasicrystalline Potential Landscapes. (2008)2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5 visus:rothjs]

F. Rösch. Are clusters physical entities?. (2008)2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5]

F. Rösch. Are clusters physical entities?. (2008)2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 from:mueller sfb716-b5]

Michael Engel, and Hans-Rainer Trebin. Structural complexity in monodisperse systems of isotropic particles. (2008)2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 vis(us) from:mueller sfb716-b5 visus:trebinhr]

Johannes Roth. Restricted Square-Triangle Tilings. (2008)2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 visus:rothjs vis(us) from:mueller sfb716-b5]

Johannes Roth. Quasicrystalline Potential Landscapes. (2008)2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 visus:rothjs vis(us) from:mueller sfb716-b5]

M. de Boissieu, Peter Brommer, Holger Euchner, S. Francoual, Franz Gähler, and N. Johnson. Vibrational Properties of MgZn_2. (2008)2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5 visus:brommepr visus:euchnehr visus:gaehlefz]

M. de Boissieu, Peter Brommer, Holger Euchner, S. Francoual, Franz Gähler, and N. Johnson. Vibrational Properties of MgZn_2. (2008)2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 visus:gaehlefz visus:brommepr vis(us) visus:euchnehr from:mueller sfb716-b5]

Andreas Chatzopoulos. Zur Phasonendynamik von Quasikristallen. 2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5 visus:chatzoas]

Franz Gähler, Johannes Roth, Steffen Sonntag, and Hans-Rainer Trebin. Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Aluminum. Submitted to Applied Surface Science; in press, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b5 visus:gaehlefz visus:rothjs visus:sonntasn visus:trebinhr]

Andreas Chatzopoulos. Zur Phasonendynamik von Quasikristallen. 2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 vis(us) from:mueller sfb716-b5 visus:chatzoas]

Franz Gähler, Johannes Roth, Steffen Sonntag, and Hans-Rainer Trebin. Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Aluminum. Submitted to Applied Surface Science; in press, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 visus:gaehlefz visus:rothjs vis(us) visus:sonntasn from:mueller sfb716-b5 visus:trebinhr]

Peter Brommer. Development and Test of Interaction Potentials for Complex Metallic Alloys (Entwicklung und Test von Wechselwirkungspotenzialen für komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen). OPUS, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b1 sfb716-b5 visus:brommepr] URL

Peter Brommer. Development and Test of Interaction Potentials for Complex Metallic Alloys (Entwicklung und Test von Wechselwirkungspotenzialen für komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen). OPUS, 2008. [PUMA: sfb716-b1 2008 visus:brommepr vis(us) from:mueller sfb716-b5] URL

Hans-Rainer Trebin, Peter Brommer, Michael Engel, Franz Gähler, Stephen Hocker, F. Rösch, and Johannes Roth. Simulating structure and physical properties in complex metallic alloys. In E. Belin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European School in Materials Science, Ljubljana, Mai 2007; in press, Word Scientific, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 sfb716-b5 visus:brommepr visus:gaehlefz visus:hockersn visus:rothjs visus:trebinhr]

Hans-Rainer Trebin, Peter Brommer, Michael Engel, Franz Gähler, Stephen Hocker, F. Rösch, and Johannes Roth. Simulating structure and physical properties in complex metallic alloys. In E. Belin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European School in Materials Science, Ljubljana, Mai 2007; in press, Word Scientific, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 visus:gaehlefz visus:hockersn visus:rothjs visus:brommepr vis(us) from:mueller sfb716-b5 visus:trebinhr]