
J. Anders, and M. Ortmanns. Frequency noise of CMOS LC tank oscillators operating in weak inversion. 2013 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 1-4, September 2013. [PUMA: phase noise Oscillators from:jens.anders] URL

J. Anders, and M. Ortmanns. Frequency noise of CMOS LC tank oscillators operating in weak inversion. 2013 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 1-4, September 2013. [PUMA: phase noise Oscillators] URL

J. Anders, M. Ortmanns, and G. Boero. Frequency noise in current-starved CMOS LC tank oscillators. NDES 2012; Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, 1-4, July 2012. [PUMA: phase noise oscillator from:jens.anders] URL

J. Anders, M. Ortmanns, and G. Boero. Frequency noise in current-starved CMOS LC tank oscillators. NDES 2012; Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, 1-4, July 2012. [PUMA: phase noise oscillator] URL

J. Antes, and I. Kallfass. Performance Estimation for Broadband Multi-Gigabit Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Links. IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, (63)10:3288--3299, 2015. [PUMA: monolithic (BER);complex links;channel networks;error limiting noise;Wireless range;symbol rates;wireless noise;quadrature imbalance;quadrature estimation;symbol frontend;broadband keying waves;wireless noise;nonideal communication;mmw (mmw) imperfection;performance imbalance;limiting waves;phase shift frequency signals;relative error;submillimeter-wave channels;E-band millimeter-wave modulated links;broadband statistics;millimetre (SER);wireless imbalance;in-phase oscillator multigigabit bandwidths;in-phase communication phase (MMICs);performance rate phase-shift characteristics;performance estimation;performance broadband noise;extremely wireless frontend systems;Bandwidth;Bit (EVM);millimeter-wave submillimeter-wave modulation error networks;submillimetre keying;radio magnitude limits;quadrature communication;Bit factor;local integrated rate;Estimation;Modulation;Phase modulation;error amplitude vector circuits]

S. Bader, M. Ortmanns, and J. Anders. Nonlinear Energy-Efficient Noise-Aware Design of CMOS LC Tank Oscillators. 2018 Ieee International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Iscas), 2018. [PUMA: phase noise oscillator] URL

S. Bader, M. Ortmanns, and J. Anders. Nonlinear Energy-Efficient Noise-Aware Design of CMOS LC Tank Oscillators. 2018 Ieee International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Iscas), 2018. [PUMA: phase noise oscillator from:jens.anders] URL

Jonas Bertelmann, Michael Beltle, and Stefan Tenbohlen. Optimization Methods for Common Mode Cancellation in Phase Shifted Inverter Operation.. 330-333, September 2021. [PUMA: Inverter Phase in Mode for Common Optimization Shifted Operation. Cancellation Methods]

Jonas Bertelmann, Michael Beltle, and Stefan Tenbohlen. Influence of MOSFET scattering on common mode cancellation in phase shifted inverter operation.. 1881-1885, May 2021. [PUMA: phase in MOSFET inverter mode cancellation scattering common of Influence operation. shifted on]

Matthias Buchner, and Krzysztof Rudion. New Method for Evaluating the Stable Operation of Inverters in the Planning Phase using Impedance-Based Stability Criterion.. September 2021. [PUMA: Impedance-Based Phase Stability in using Stable Evaluating for Method Operation the Inverters of Planning Criterion. New]

Martin Dressel, and Tobias Peterseim. Infrared Investigations of the Neutral-Ionic Phase Transition in TTF-CA and Its Dynamics. Crystals, (7)1:17, January 2017. [PUMA: phase TTF-CA transition]

Ch. Eck, M. Kutter, A.-M. Sändig, and Ch. Rohde. A two scale model for liquid phase epitaxy with elasticity: An iterative procedure. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, (93)10-11:745--761, WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2013. [PUMA: phase iterative model, scale two existence regularity procedure, with Liquid of and epitaxy solutions. vorlaeufig elasticity,] URL

Ch. Eck, M. Kutter, A.-M. Sändig, and Ch. Rohde. A two scale model for liquid phase epitaxy with elasticity: An iterative procedure. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, (93)10-11:745--761, WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2013. [PUMA: phase iterative model, scale two existence ians regularity procedure, with from:mhartmann Liquid of and epitaxy solutions. vorlaeufig elasticity,] URL

Martin Eschelbach, Ali Aghaeifar, Jonas Bause, Jonas Handwerker, Jens Anders, Eva-Maria Engel, Axel Thielscher, and Klaus Scheffler. Comparison of prospective head motion correction with NMR field probes and an optical tracking system. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (81)1:719-729, 2019. [PUMA: imported phase motion field prospective probes tracking Moiré head correction from:jens.anders] URL

Martin Eschelbach, Ali Aghaeifar, Jonas Bause, Jonas Handwerker, Jens Anders, Eva-Maria Engel, Axel Thielscher, and Klaus Scheffler. Comparison of prospective head motion correction with NMR field probes and an optical tracking system. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (81)1:719-729, 2019. [PUMA: imported phase field motion prospective probes tracking Moiré head correction] URL

Stefan Fechter, Claus-Dieter Munz, Christian Rohde, and Christoph Zeiler. A sharp interface method for compressible liquid-vapor flow with phase transition and surface tension. J. Comput. Phys., (336):347-374, 2017. [PUMA: phase resolution; compressible surface sharp interface method; tension; ghost-fluid latent transition; flow; vorlaeufig heat two-phase] URL

Carly R. Garrow, Karl-Friedrich Kowalewski, Linhong Li, Martin Wagner, Mona W. Schmidt, Sandy Engelhardt, Daniel A. Hashimoto, Hannes G. Kenngott, Sebastian Bodenstedt, Stefanie Speidel, Beat P. Müller-Stich, and Felix Nickel. Machine Learning for Surgical Phase Recognition. Annals of Surgery, (273)4:684--693, Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), November 2020. [PUMA: Phase Learning Surgical Machine Recognition] URL

B. P. Gorshunov, E. S. Zhukova, E. G. Maksimov, A. S. Prokhorov, V. I. Torgashev, T. Zhang, D. Wu, and M. Dressel. Nature of the low-energy excitations of a charge-ordered phase of La0.25Ca0.75MnO3 manganites. JETP Lett., (91)7:336-340, June 2010. [PUMA: phase charge-ordered manganites]

Tammam Hayder, Ulrich Schälri, Kurt Feser, and Ludwig Schiel. Universal Adaptive Differential Protection for Regulating Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, (23)2:568-575, 2008. [PUMA: phase tap Program Tran-sients Differential transformer changer protection shifters (EMTP) Electromagnetic regulating] URL

T. Ivek, B. Korin-Hamzić, O. Milat, S. Tomić, C. Clauss, N. Drichko, D. Schweitzer, and M. Dressel. Collective Excitations in the Charge-Ordered Phase of α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3. Phys. Rev. Lett., (104)20:206406, American Physical Society, May 2010. [PUMA: phase charge-ordered excitations] URL

K. Kuritz, D. Imig, M. Dyck, and F. Allgöwer. Ensemble control for cell cycle synchronization of heterogeneous cell populations. IFAC-PapersOnLine, (51)19:44 - 47, 2018. [PUMA: phase cycle, multi-agent response Papers control, ensemble passivity, systems, cell] URL

K. Kuritz, D. Imig, M. Dyck, and F. Allgöwer. Ensemble control for cell cycle synchronization of heterogeneous cell populations. IFAC-PapersOnLine, (51)19:44 - 47, 2018. [PUMA: phase cycle, multi-agent response unchecked control, ensemble passivity, systems, cell] URL

K. Kuritz, D. Imig, M. Dyck, and F. Allgöwer. Ensemble control for cell cycle synchronization of heterogeneous cell populations. IFAC-PapersOnLine, (51)19:44 - 47, 2018. [PUMA: phase cycle, multi-agent response control, ensemble passivity, systems, cell] URL

K. Kuritz, D. Imig, M. Dyck, and F. Allgöwer. Ensemble control for cell cycle synchronization of heterogeneous cell populations. IFAC-PapersOnLine, (51)19:44 - 47, 2018. [PUMA: phase cycle, multi-agent response control, ensemble passivity, from:ist_bib systems, cell] URL

Michael Kutter, Christian Rohde, and Anna-Margarete Sändig. Well-Posedness of a Two Scale Model for Liquid Phase Epitaxy with Elasticity. Contin. Mech. Thermodyn., (29)4:989-1016, 2017. [PUMA: phase Phase solutions Two-scale elasticity; regularity models; with Liquid of field and epitaxy model; vorlaeufig Existence] URL

Katja Parkkinen, Martin Dressel, Kristin Kliemt, Cornelius Krellner, Christoph Geibel, Frank Steglich, and Marc Scheffler. Signatures of Phase Transitions in the Microwave Response of YbRh2Si2. Physics Procedia, (75):340-347, 2015. [PUMA: phase transitions]

T. Peterseim, T. Ivek, D. Schweitzer, and M. Dressel. Electrically induced phase transition in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3: Indications for Dirac-like hot charge carriers. Phys. Rev. B, (93)24:245133, American Physical Society, June 2016. [PUMA: phase Dirac-like transition α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3] URL

Tobias Peterseim, and Martin Dressel. Molecular Dynamics at Electrical- and Optical-Driven Phase Transitions: Time-Resolved Infrared Studies Using Fourier-Transform Spectrometers. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, (38)1:104-123, Jan 1, 2017. [PUMA: phase transitions] URL

Tobias Peterseim, Martin Dressel, Marc Dietrich, and Angelika Polity. Optical properties of VO2 films at the phase transition: Influence of substrate and electronic correlations. Journal of Applied Physics, (120)7:075102--, American Institute of Physics, August 2016. [PUMA: films phase VO2 transition] URL

Rabenstein L., Schmidt M., Dietz A., and Parspour N.. Design, Construction and Measurement of a Laminated Transverse Flux Machine. 2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 1197--1203, 2022. [PUMA: phase shift, finite synchronous transverse rotor, Asymmetric hp_iew passive prototype losses, calculation, machine, separation of machine flux element analyses, measurements, semi-analytical]

Klaus Schöffmann, M. Taschwer, S. Sarny, Bernd Münzer, Manfred Jürgen Primus, and Doris Putzgruber. Cataract-101: video dataset of 101 cataract surgeries. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 2018. [PUMA: phase cataract learning surgery]

Ralf Stauder, Daniel Ostler, Michael Kranzfelder, Sebastian Koller, Hubertus Feußner, and Nassir Navab. The TUM LapChole dataset for the M2CAI 2016 workflow challenge. CoRR, 2016. [PUMA: phase challenge learning m2cai surgery] URL

T. Vuletic, T. Ivek, B. Korin-Hamzic, S. Tomic, B. Gorshunov, M. Dressel, C. Hess, B. Büchner, and J. Akimitsu. Phase diagrams of (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41: Switching between the ladders and the chains. J. Phys. IV France, (131):299-304, 2005. [PUMA: phase diagrams chains ladders]

Gerhard Walker, J. M. Fernandez, Q. López Mestre, and Stefan Tenbohlen. A proposal for charging infrastructure with phase balancing capabilities. 2016. [PUMA: A balancing capabilities phase with proposal infrastructure charging for]

O. Weede, Frank Dittrich, H. Wörn, B. Jensen, A. Knoll, D. Wilhelm, M. Kranzfelder, A. Schneider, and H. Feußner. Workflow analysis and surgical phase recognition in minimally invasive surgery. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 1080-1074, 2012. [PUMA: phase invasive Workflow recognition minimally analysis surgical surgery]

Janis Wörmann, Laura Manoliu, Simon Haussmann, Milos Krstic, and Ingmar Kallfass. Real-time Wideband Video Synchronization via an Analog QPSK Costas Loop in a Laboratory Demonstration of an E-Band Satellite Downlink. 2024 IEEE Space Hardware Radio Conference (SHaRC), 23-26, 2024. [PUMA: keying;Satellite myown Phase systems;Synchronization;Wideband;Carrier media;Real-time shift recovery;real-time;receiver Costas broadcasting;Receivers;Streaming loop;zero-IF synchronization;3G-SDI;QPSK]